June 23, 2023 – Northwest District Wildfire Update No New Fires Today

Wildfire Update

Northwest District: No New Fires Detected

THUNDER BAY – WIldlfire Update – As of the late afternoon of June 22, no new fires have been confirmed in the Northwest Region. However, an additional fire was reported following the previous update on the evening of June 21.

Fire Details

  1. Kenora 26: Located approximately 26 kilometers west of Highway 105 and 17 kilometers northwest of Clay Lake, this fire spans 0.7 hectares and is currently being held.

Active Fires in the Region

At the time of this update, there are a total of 34 active fires in the Northwest Region. Among these fires, eight are classified as not under control, three are being held, four fires are under control, and 19 fires are being observed.

Wildland Fire Hazard

The wildland fire hazard in the northwest region varies across different areas. The central and southern portions of the region are experiencing mainly high to extreme fire hazards. In contrast, the western side of the province and the far north are facing low to moderate fire hazards.

Noteworthy Fires in the Northwest

Several fires in the region require special attention due to their size and behavior:

  1. Sioux Lookout 7: Located north of Cat Lake First Nation, this fire spans a significant 16,002.79 hectares. Hose lines have been established on the southern end, while the northern section is being monitored. Ignition opportunities are being assessed, and the fire remains uncontrolled.
  2. Nipigon 13: Situated west of Ogoki Lake, this fire has expanded to 15,872 hectares and is not under control. Values assessment and protection efforts are ongoing. Support from heavy equipment and helicopter bucketing operations is being provided while ignition opportunities are being evaluated.
  3. Nipigon 19: Located northwest of Ogoki Lake, this fire has grown to 2,858.6 hectares and remains uncontrolled. Air attack teams are actively working on the fire to limit its spread, while values protection efforts continue.
  4. Red Lake 28: Positioned 50 kilometers north of Lac Seul First Nation, this fire now covers an area of 16,040 hectares and is not under control. Poor visibility due to smoke prevented helicopter bucketing operations from taking place yesterday.
  5. Sioux Lookout 33: Situated on the western edge of Wabakimi Provincial Park, this fire has expanded to 41,548 hectares. The fire displayed intense behavior yesterday, and it remains uncontrolled.

Restricted Fire Zone

In response to the extreme forest fire hazard, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry has declared a Restricted Fire Zone for the entire fire region of Ontario, encompassing Zones 1 to 36. The Restricted Fire Zone is in effect until further notice and aims to protect public safety. Within the boundaries of the Restricted Fire Zone, open air burning, including campfires, is prohibited. However, portable gas or propane stoves can be used for cooking and warmth with extreme caution. All burning permits are suspended.

For a detailed map of the areas affected by the Restricted Fire Zone, please follow the provided link.

Reporting Wildland Fires

To report a wildland fire located north of the French and Mattawa rivers, please dial 310-FIRE. For forest fires located south of the French or Mattawa rivers, please dial 911 for immediate assistance.

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