Quick-thinking police officer and attentive motorist prevent tragedy on Harbour Expressway


THUNDER BAY – NEWS – Tragedy on the Harbour Expressway Tuesday afternoon was possibly averted thanks to a quick-thinking police officer and an attentive motorist. While traveling on the Expressway and approaching the Balmoral Street intersection just before 4 p.m. on April 25, the Thunder Bay Police Service Traffic Unit officer noticed a pedestrian walking into the path of oncoming traffic.

The pedestrian seemed unaware and not paying attention, crossing on a red light and heading toward multiple fast-moving vehicles.

Although the officer could not physically intervene to stop or slow down the pedestrian or vehicles, they immediately turned on their cruiser siren.

This caught the pedestrian’s attention, who, although initially unable to see due to their toque, was eventually able to notice the oncoming SUV.

The motorist also acted quickly, slowing and swerving to avoid the pedestrian, thereby preventing a potential tragedy.

The pedestrian was later charged under the Highway Traffic Act for disobeying the “Don’t Walk” signal.

The Thunder Bay Police Service reminds the public that distracted walking is dangerous and that drivers should always exercise extra caution, particularly during the transition from winter to spring, when distractions are more likely. Finally, the service thanks all motorists who drive sober and without distractions, taking care to avoid potential accidents.

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