Ryan Huffman Shares What Sets His Company, Huffman Creative, Apart from Others


    Market saturation has grown in almost every industry in the world. Most companies and corporations offer similar services to their clients, even in film production. Ryan Huffman, Executive Producer and founder of Huffman Creative, takes pride that his company doesn’t follow the traditional methods of other large production companies.

    Ryan is a lifelong creative and found his passion for filmmaking early on in life. As a teenager, Ryan created short films with his twin brother and studied in his high school’s film and editing classes. After graduating from Chapman University’s Dodge College of Film and Media Arts, he worked in television and as a freelance producer for various production companies. As he continued to grow as a producer, his experience and expertise eventually led him to start his own production company, Huffman Creative.

    Impactful and intentional content is essential to a brand and an artist’s identity. The concept of “one-size-fits-all” loses meaning in light of the creative arts – what works for one brand or artist may not work for others. Ryan is exceptionally passionate about bringing clients’ visions and stories to life; hence, he is tactful in meeting their needs. The Huffman Creative team brings a fresh perspective to the table, resulting in top-of-the-line production for directors, photographers, and collaborators.

    With this in mind, Huffman Creative doesn’t employ a roster of directors like other production companies. “We choose to work with the director that best fits each project, allowing us to meet our client’s needs more effectively,” shares Ryan. “This method also benefits directors, allowing them not to be tied to just one company and to be able to pursue whatever project they’d like.” In this manner, Huffman Creative encourages creatives to explore beyond their limit and be able to work with a wider variety of clients and companies.

    Huffman Creative mainly focuses on advertising, music videos, and photography but plans to produce three feature filmsby the end of 2023.




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