March 8, 2023 – Western and Northern Ontario Weather Outlook

weather winter fun

THUNDER BAY – WEATHER – Looks like a mixed range of weather over Wednesday, with cold in the north and snow across Western Ontario.

Thunder Bay

Well, well, well, looks like Thunder Bay is in for some typical Canadian weather! Cloudy with a 30% chance of flurries, so don’t put away your snow shovels just yet. The wind will be making a grand entrance from the east at 20 km/h in the morning, so hold onto your hats, folks.

Highs will be feeling pretty low at minus 3, and the wind chill will be adding insult to injury at minus 12. UV index is looking pretty low too, so don’t expect any beach days in the near future.

As for the night, the sky will remain mainly cloudy, and the wind will calm down a bit to a mere 15 km/h. Lows will be hitting minus 8, with the wind chill making it feel like minus 7 in the evening and a bone-chilling minus 12 overnight. So make sure to bundle up tight, and don’t forget to bring your trusty hot chocolate to bed with you.

Fort Frances

Hold onto your hats and mittens, Fort Frances, because we’ve got some snow coming your way! That’s right, folks, it’s that time of year again where Mother Nature likes to play a little game of “let’s see how much snow they can handle.” So get ready for some periods of snow, with an expected 2 to 4 cm of the white stuff.

The wind will be making a guest appearance from the east at 20 km/h, but don’t worry, it’ll calm down and become as light as a feather in the morning. Despite the temperature hitting a whopping plus 1, the wind chill will still make it feel like a frigid minus 10 in the morning. So don’t forget to bundle up, or else you’ll be feeling like a popsicle in no time.

As for the night, the sky will remain cloudy, with a 40% chance of flurries in the evening. The wind will be up to 15 km/h, so make sure to hold onto your toques! Lows will hit minus 4, with the wind chill making it feel like a chilly minus 8 overnight. So, tuck yourself in tight, and dream of warmer days to come.

Dryden and Vermilion Bay

It looks like Dryden is getting another snow day! That’s right, folks, we’ve got some fluffy white stuff headed our way, with an expected 2 to 4 cm of snow. So, if you’re a fan of snowball fights and snowmen, then today’s your lucky day!

The wind will be picking up speed up to 15 km/h, so make sure to tie down your touques, or else you might end up looking like a Canadian tumbleweed. Highs will be hitting a frigid minus 1, with the wind chill making it feel like a bone-chilling minus 14 in the morning and minus 5 in the afternoon. So, make sure to bundle up, folks, or else you’ll be feeling like a human popsicle.

As for the night, the sky will remain cloudy, with a 40% chance of flurries. The wind will still be up to 15 km/h, so make sure to hold onto your hats and mittens! Lows will hit minus 6, with the wind chill making it feel like a near minus 8. So, make sure to cozy up by the fire, and enjoy a cup of hot cocoa or two.


Welcome to the Kenora weather report, where the snow is falling like confetti! We’re expecting a delightful 2 to 4 centimeters of the fluffy white stuff, which is just enough to make everything look like a winter wonderland, without making you curse the existence of snow shovels.

If you’re planning to brave the outdoors, keep in mind that the wind will be up to 15 km/h, so you might want to hold onto your hats and scarves, or risk being the next Mary Poppins.

Highs of zero may not sound too exciting, but when you factor in the wind chill of minus 14 in the morning, you’ll feel like you’re starring in your very own Frozen movie. Just remember to build a snowman and belt out “Let It Go” while you’re at it.

As for the evening forecast, it’s looking cloudy with a 40 percent chance of flurries. The wind will still be up to 15 km/h, so don’t be surprised if you catch a rogue snowflake in the face. Lows of minus 6 may sound chilly, but with a wind chill of minus 5 in the evening and minus 10 overnight, you might as well snuggle up with a hot cocoa and binge-watch your favorite show.

So stay warm, stay cozy, and remember to slather on the sunscreen because the UV index is 1 or low. We don’t want you getting a sunburn from all that snow reflection!

Wasaho Cree Nation

Hey there, Wasaho Cree Nation! Looks like we’re in for a day that’s about as cheerful as a dentist appointment. We’re talking mainly cloudy skies and temperatures so low, they’ll make your freezer feel like a sauna.

The wind will be up to 15 km/h, so hold onto your toques and mittens or risk being a human kite. Highs of minus 13 might have you feeling like you’ve accidentally stumbled into Elsa’s ice palace, but with the wind chill, it’ll feel more like minus 26 in the morning and minus 19 in the afternoon. So if you see any snowmen wearing parkas, don’t be too surprised.

Oh, and speaking of surprises, the UV index is 1 or low, so you won’t be getting any tans today. Unless you count that weird orange hue from the fluorescent lights in your office.

As for tonight, it’s going to be mainly cloudy with winds up to 15 km/h. Lows of minus 20 will have you wishing you had a cuddly polar bear to keep you warm. And with the wind chill, it’ll feel like you’re living on Hoth, with a temperature of near minus 27. So make sure to double up on your blankets and hot cocoa because you’re going to need all the warmth you can get.

In summary, Wasaho Cree Nation, it’s a cold and cloudy day out there. But don’t let that get you down! You’ve got this. Just remember to bundle up like a burrito and stay cozy. And if you see any white bears out and about, tell them we said hello.

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