4 Underutilized Tactics to Get More Business as a Contractor With Jose A Sanchez from Double X Digital


According to a Statista database there are over 223 million social media users in the U.S. as of 2020. This provides an extensive platform for any business to utilize in order to obtain the exposure necessary for a wide and diverse customer base to keep a company growing. Looking at industries like HVAC who are only on the rise in the market, the potential for an even more expansive prospective business outlook exists, but what should these businesses be putting their time and money into in 2021 in order to leverage this? Specifically speaking, which platforms should have the attention of these companies, and how should they be making use of other advertisement tactics once they narrow their focus? These are the kinds of questions plaguing HVAC businesses and company marketing teams alike.

Fortunately, there are companies whose focus of attention is to assist in answering those very concerns. Led by CEO & Founder Jose A. Sanchez alongside co-owner Brandon Spears, Digital Marketing Company Double X Digital has been providing the necessary tools for HVAC companies to navigate the confusing sea that is the digital advertising world. With a multi-platform marketing system that operates on some of the biggest and most utilized programs in the digital world, Double X Digital has been a reliable source of guidance for HVAC companies of all sizes during the pandemic and beyond. 

Leveraging Social Media Platforms

According to Adobe, Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube are the top 3 social media platforms that the business world should be concentrating on if they want to leverage the potential of the digital advertising world. Sanchez and the Double X Digital team emphasize the importance of these platforms, and offer extensive packages that include their personal lead generation system through all of them to ensure HVAC companies are getting the proper exposure and customer engagement. 

Facebook Advertising

Looking at a platform like Facebook, with nearly 2.5 billion monthly users it is hands down the largest social media site in the world. Facebook is a microcosm of any businesses target audience. It offers the ability to gather your customers or even community in one online place while obtaining both attention and feedback for your company. Double X Digital’s lead generation system has done just that for HVAC companies, providing the necessary digital marketing & CRM tools for HVAC companies to be efficient and profitable on platforms such as Facebook. 

YouTube and Instagram Advertising 

But don’t be led to assume there aren’t alternative sites with the essential traction for successful online advertising tailored to your desired audience. Platforms like Instagram and YouTube have taken the 21st century by storm, especially in the business world. YouTube is commended by experts as the second most popular search engine in the world. An astounding 73% of U.S. adults report regularly using YouTube (Adobe). With this type of engagement, looking into video ads or even your own company channel can be indispensable tools for your business. 

With over 1 billion active users, Instagram has been a substantial marketing tool for businesses looking to expand their media presence and the visibility of their service. Through the many application features, Instagram is a great way to show potential customers you are more than just a faceless corporation. And since an overwhelming amount of time is spent on mobile devices, having a presence on this platform gives businesses an advantage as it is accessible on the go providing a convenience customers today are in search of. 

With a renowned lead generation system, Double X Digital offers packages on both of these universally admired platforms. Sanchez highlights the use of these as his company helps HVAC contractors stay busy, find leads, and retain proper media presence to find business growth. 

Offering Preventative Maintenance Agreements

For HVAC companies, providing a preventive maintenance agreement can be terrific for business as
they provide a reliable customer base and regular source of income. This is something that comes with CRM and financing options Sanchez and Double X Digital emphasize and assist in. Sanchez believes in developing plans to not only get leads, but retain clientele as well. 

What exactly promotes a customer to purchase a preventative maintenance agreement? More often than not, it is to prevent an unexpected repair bill and to save money. For customers, these agreements have a surplus of benefits, especially financially. This makes these agreements very appealing, putting your company ahead of competitors and bringing in additional revenue. 

This is something Double X Digital promotes as a company and as a partner with any given HVAC contractor. It will help your business revenue and more importantly the customer relations necessary to grow your business as it shows how much you are willing to work with clients. 

Physical Promotional Advertising Use – Fridge Magnets

With a heavy focus on online advertisement, sometimes businesses miss the small stuff that helps promote their company. Items like fridge magnets can be even better than a business card in numerous ways. Providing customers with these after your exceptional service will give you self-promotion in their home that is durable, functionable, and easier to distribute in comparison to other physical handout efforts. Sanchez and Double X Digital work across the board to make sure all your actions are calculated and efficient, even at a small level.

Stay in Front of Your Audience with Email and SMS (text) Marketing

Despite the many advantages marketing campaigns, online advertisement,  and communication offer companies, there are still people who become adept to overlooking those efforts. This is why the use of Email and SMS marketing is on the rise as well. It has been collectively established that mobile devices are the convenience in advertising that will spread your message faster. It is a way to reach your customer base in real time, with a near guarantee that your message will be read. With high open rates, unique and personal messaging, and wide range exposure, this is something businesses in the HVAC industry should absolutely be looking into. Sanchez promotes all levels of self-promotion, and points out that this is a tool that is not often enough put into use by companies. 

Moving Forward With These Ideas 

Successful companies see growth through adjustment, and that is what Jose A. Sanchez and his team at Double X Digital help HVAC companies find across the U.S. With a multi-platform marketing system that operates on some of the biggest and most utilized programs in the digital world, Double X Digital continues to provide the necessary tools on all ends of the spectrum in order for companies to find the equilibrium of marketing to find clients and maintain strong customer relations. Through leveraging social media, Preventative Maintenance Agreements, Physical Promotional Advertising, and Email and SMS (text) Marketing, growing businesses will only expand faster.

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