Mike Swigunski of Global Career Book Discusses the Impact of Remote Work and Its Future Post Pandemic

Mike Swigunski
Mike Swigunski of Global Career Book Discusses the Impact of Remote Work and Its Future Post Pandemic

With the world navigating a global pandemic, never before has there been such an unprecedented change in every aspect of our lives. The way we consume entertainment, attend school, and our jobs have been shifted due to this pandemic. Today, remote work is the norm. Before the coronavirus pandemic, it is estimated that 17% of U.S. employees worked remotely five days or more per week, a share that increased to 44% during the pandemic.


The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the remote working trend, as quarantines and lockdowns made commuting and working in an office close to impossible for millions around the world. For Mike Swigunski, however, remote work was always a way of life.



Swigunski is a bestselling author, remote work leader, and founder of

GlobalCareerBook.com. As an online business expert who has brokered millions of dollars in digital assets and helped build an eight-figure remote company, he has cultivated a strong passion and knowledge for everything within the remote work realm.


Here are Mike’s views regarding the impact that remote work will have on the future of business:


Increased Productivity

Several studies have been conducted, especially during the global pandemic, to determine remote work efficacy. As employers prepare to plan strategies for the future, many use the numbers to help them decide whether remote work is here to stay.


A number of these studies have highlighted that employees have demonstrated increased productivity while working from home. According to Mike, “remote work is here to stay, and I honestly think it’s a huge win-win for employees and employers. There is more flexibility for employees, which in multiple studies leads to increased productivity and improved longevity of workers.”


Reduced Overheads

Another positive impact of remote work is one of the most obvious – reduced overheads for companies. If employees work remotely, this lowers the need for large offices since most of them would be under-utilized. It also means that companies save on utilities and other overheads. “When you factor all of this in with reduced office overhead, it’s truly going to be how the world continues to do business.”


Despite this shift, however, many, including Swigunski, believe that there is still a need for office space or some area where you can work without distractions. “Although remote work is the future, I still strongly believe in-person interactions still have a strong place in the workforce. I think hybrid offices where workers come into the office once or twice a week will be very prevalent in the future. Also, for fully remote companies, having teams get-together every quarter will also be a popular option.”


According to PricewaterhouseCoopers, in a recent study, most companies are heading toward a hybrid workplace where many office employees rotate in and out of offices configured for shared spaces. This model embraces the flexibility that most employees crave after working from home for months.


Remote Work Is Here to Stay

There is no doubt that remote working will impact the future of business in many ways. “In my mind, more and more companies realize all of the perks to transitioning to a remote structure. I think huge surges of companies will remain remote and also cater their entire business strategies to satisfy this new remote workforce,” shared Swigunski.

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