Anna Shumate on Happiness – The Ultimate Return on Investment

Anna Shumate on Happiness - The Ultimate Return on Investment

One of the most important questions a person can ponder is what makes them happy. Is it financial stability, pursuing interests, spending time with friends and family, traveling, certain tangible items, or taking your dog to the park? The next question is, what does a person need to achieve that happiness? According to Instagram star Anna Shumate, you need to start with time and money.

“More specifically, time is money, and while money cannot buy happiness, it makes it a lot easier to do the things that make you happy,” states Anna. Some people don’t give wings to their ideas immediately but work another job to get their startup costs together or gain experience. Others spend years at a job before realizing they want a change in their life and follow their passion.

Anna Shumate elaborates, “People do this because they would rather work for themselves instead of someone else.” Anna is direct in her guidance that the first year of anything new can be brutal, yet the hard work and long days will pay off as your venture becomes profitable. “Think of this as an investment in yourself and happiness being a return on investment,” she adds.

As COVID 19 has kept people indoors, internet and social media use has skyrocketed, with more potential customers than ever scrolling Instagram when they would usually be in the office. Anna explains, “These individuals will likely be happy to connect with celebrities and stars that provide a daily dose of motivation during these gloomy times.”

“To find happiness when launching your own personal brand, you must build your venture around something that excites you as well as your audience,” states Anna. The last thing you want to do is create something that doesn’t motivate you. “You must wake up excited about your brand, not miserable. Ask yourself a question, “How do I invest in my happiness” and let things fall in place from there,” wraps Anna Shumate.

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