4 Reasons to Get Your PALS Recertification Online

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It seems like everything is online these days. Medical certifications are no exception to this change. If you’re looking to get recertified for your PALS, or Pediatric Advanced Life Support certificate, you have the option to recertify online. Online certification boasts many benefits for working medical professionals. If you’re unsure about recertifying online, here are a few things that will solidify that choice.

1. Take classes at home.

PALS online allows you to take necessary classes in the comfort of your own home. This is a valuable option for workers in the medical field. After getting off work, the last thing you want to do is head to a classroom. This can add to the stress you might already be feeling from a full day’s work.

Research shows that high-stress levels are not good for your overall health. Online recertification takes away the stress that comes with having to sit in class for hours. It’s also great for anyone who struggles with test anxiety because you can have an environment within your control. For example, if you need to get up to grab a cup of water during your exam you can. Or if you need to use the bathroom, you are free to do so at any moment. The little luxuries like these make all of the difference when you’re prone to feeling overwhelmed by important exams.

2. You’ll save time and money.

Another reason to consider an online PALS course is that it saves you time. If you were to take an in-person PALS course you need the time to commute there and back. Plus, you have to be present for the entirety of the class. Since it can be challenging to focus for such periods, you might have to go back and review the information you already listened to for hours in a lecture. The American Heart Association states that this certification reportedly runs about two days of class for about 13 hours each. Online options can cut that time down.

In addition to saving your time, an online course also saves you money. You don’t have to pay for the extra commuting costs, and online programs are usually cheaper for medical professionals without skimping on the quality of care.

3. You can go at your own pace.

You’re a busy, working professional. This means that you need flexibility when adding more to your plate. With online PALS certification, you can set your own schedule. For example, if you work nights two days out of the week, you don’t have a normal working schedule. Therefore, you might not be able to make it to the offered in-person classes. Online recertification is the best approach to accommodate you. You can choose exactly when and where you want to work on your course. Another bonus about online certification is that you can unexpectedly stop if you need to. When you decide to start up again, you’ll be right back where you left off in your courses.

4. It is widely accepted.

Last on the list but arguably one of the most important is that PALS online certification aligns with the American Heart Association’s guidelines. This means that many employers are accepting this form of certification. However, it’s best to check with your employer before you enroll. This specific certification is nationally accepted. It’s also worth noting that online recertification is still the same quality information and courses as those in-person.

Online recertification grants you the freedom to make choices that fit your lifestyle. It saves you time, money, and hassle. As a final reminder, be sure to check with your employer before committing to a program. Once you are approved to recertify online, you can enjoy the convenience and flexibility of this approach.

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