TC1 Gel is Helping People Achieve Their Fitness Goals


When James Cork founded TC1 (@tc1gel), he had one goal in mind. To get people out of the idea of quick-fix solutions and short term hacks for building a better body. He wanted people to understand the idea of having a fitness mindset. A lifelong commitment to maintaining their health. 

James advises people to use a few simple strategies in order to stay consistent with their fitness lifestyle. The first one is to focus on habits and systems rather than long term goals. A good habit would be to run for 15 minutes every single day. This kind of habit is not dependent on “losing 15 pounds” or “losing an inch of your waist.” When you focus on habits instead of goals, you can be satisfied with the fact that you are consistent with your habits, rather than only focusing on achieving your goal. It’s easy to get caught up in the idea of losing a few pounds. But the real point of all this is to develop a lifestyle that is healthier than the one you were living before. 

The second piece of advice that James has for people trying to take back control of their fitness is to take responsibility. He says that people love making excuses for themselves. A lot of people have some sort of narrative in their heads about why they aren’t in shape or why they can’t work out. At the end of the day, everything that holds you back in any domain is simply an excuse. You have to take personal responsibility for your health and well being, and you can’t just pass your excuse off as the reason you aren’t making any progress.  

Another great tool for staying motivated according to James is having a “why” factor. You really have to understand why you want to get in shape, otherwise, you’re not going to be able to get past those tough periods of time when you have no motivation. A lot of people’s “why” is simply to live a healthier lifestyle so they can be around for their family and have an active relationship with their children. At the end of the day though, everyone’s “why” factor is going to be different, and you have to come up with your own compelling reason to live a healthier lifestyle. 

In order to help people stay on track with their fitness goals, TC1 often holds live group workout videos on their Instagram feed. People can tune in and work with real personal trainers in order to get a great workout in. They also stress that having a gym membership is not necessary in order to get in great shape. TC1 offers resistance bands, medicine balls, and workout belts to help you get a good sweat in no matter where you are.  

Another thing that TC1 offers in order to help their clients is a downloadable fitness app. The app is a great way to track your caloric intake, water consumption, create grocery lists, and so much more. They even offer free workout plans and tips that you can choose based on your favorite personal trainer. 

At the end of the day, TC1 is doing everything in its power to help folks achieve their fitness goals. They even give away products every single day for FREE on their Instagram! What they are doing is truly unprecedented, and we can’t wait to see what the future holds for them. 

James says that he does not plan on retiring anytime soon, and he sees himself working on TC1 in some capacity forever. He wants to help as many people see the importance of living a fitness lifestyle as he can, and he won’t stop until he accomplishes his goal. 

To keep up with TC1, follow them on Instagram.

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