Mental Health Week More Important than Ever – Minister Hajdu

Patty Hajdu MP Thunder Bay Superior North
This Mental Health Week it is important to recognize the magnitude of the situation we are all facing. COVID-19 has fundamentally changed the way we live our lives. Feeling fear, uncertainty, stress, and worry is a normal reaction to unprecedented circumstances.
We are making sacrifices, taking precautions and changing our daily lives to protect ourselves and loved ones from a physical threat.
But let’s not forget the threat to our mental health as well. Some people have lost important support systems and safe spaces to escape. Some are struggling with isolation and drowning in overwhelm. Now, more than ever, we need to be honest with ourselves.
If you are experiencing anxiety, fear, violence, depression, problematic substance use or any other mental health concerns, there is help.
Many of the local counselling centres have adjusted their practices to provide phone or video conferencing sessions. The mental health providers in our communities are working tirelessly to support and help those who need them.
The Government of Canada recently launched a new portal dedicated to mental wellness and issues related to substance use.  There, you will find a safe place to talk, share, and support others. Wellness Together Canada provides you with resources in your home to help you reflect on and process the thoughts and feelings you might be experiencing. The portal contains live classes, guided mindfulness practices, reflection exercises, and connects you with peer support workers, psychologists, and trained professionals to talk about what you’re experiencing in an environment that’s comfortable for you. This resource is free, confidential and available to all Canadians at
People in our communities are facing incredible challenges.  Be kind to each other, and to yourself.
Patty Hajdu MP
Thunder Bay-Superior North
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