COVID-19 Bulletin for First Nations and Indigenous peoples

Isadore Day CEO, Bimaadzwin

Welcome to the edition Number 6 of our weekly COVID-19 Bulletin for First Nations and Indigenous peoples. Every week, Bimaadzwin will post information that contains basic information, the latest news, and what governments are doing to address the current pandemic.

This week it was announced that a number of provinces such as Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, and Manitoba plan to begin re-opening more businesses and allowing more people to go back to work as soon as this Monday.

However, many First Nation communities still plan to maintain lock-downs and restricted travel.

Please listen to your First Nation authorities.

The simplest message is: “Stay at home.” We are all in this together. Everyone must stay informed in order to stay safe. That is our central goal and commitment for this publication. Please click on the link below for this week’s presentation:

We look forward to your feedback, ideas, and shared information that we can help send across to First Nations across Turtle Island. We are working with various partners to ensure that the information that is being conveyed is supportive of First Nations as they activate Pandemic Plans and work toward reconstituting First Nation communities once the transmission of COVID19 is no longer a threat to human health.

Please contact us at / 1-705-987-2505. Working together, we can, and will make it through this and be stronger as Indigenous People, families, communities, and nations.

In Health, Healing and Nationhood,

Isadore Day, Wiindawtegowinini

CEO Bimaadzwin Inc

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