THUNDER BAY – Health – Thunder Bay Regional Health Science is currently experiencing an outbreak of vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE) on inpatient unit 2A.
VRE bacteria live on the skin or in the intestines, usually without causing any problems. Most patients will not be affected.
“Patient, the community, and staff safety is our top priority and we are committed to clearing this outbreak as quickly as possible,” said John Ross, Director of Medicine, Patient Flow and Partnerships. “VRE outbreaks are common occurrences that are not unique to our Hospital and are not related to COVID-19. We are familiar with the bacteria and know how to address the problem.”
As a precautionary measure, visitors will not be permitted on unit 2A during the VRE outbreak unless they have been identified as a patient’s designated Care Partner. Patients determine who their Care Partners are. They support and participate in the care of the patient and are always welcome at our Hospital.
Members of the community are reminded that one of the most effective ways to prevent and reduce the spread of infections is by using proper hand hygiene. The Hospital reminds people to wash their hands often for at least 15 seconds with soap and warm water, or by using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
The community’s cooperation is appreciated.