$103 Million for Northwestern Ontario Highways

Regional News

The Northern Policy Institute reports that “It is important to explore Northern Ontario highway infrastructure because $1.24 billion in goods are transported along the North’s highways each year.”

THUNDER BAY – The province of Ontario will invest in Northwestern Ontario highways as a part of an Ontario-wide program.

The Ontario government is investing $1.3 billion to rebuild and restore highways across the province. This includes $103 million for work in Northwestern Ontario.

Jeff Yurek, Minister of Transportation announced funding for projects that will help create jobs for Ontario’s construction industry and keep our highways safe and reliable so that Ontario has a transportation network that encourages job creation, investment and trade in every region across the province.

“Our government is delivering on our commitment to be open for business and open for jobs. We are determined to improve our transportation infrastructure and create good jobs for our construction industry,” said Yurek.

Today’s announcement confirms that the government is planning to proceed with 123 rehabilitation projects across the province.

“As our government manages Ontario’s finances in a responsible manner, we are protecting services that matter most, including road maintenance,” Yurek said. “No matter what the service, policy, program or investment, our government puts people at the heart of our decision making. This funding is a clear example of that commitment. We are working to improve road safety for all Ontarians.”

“Our work is about investing in people, in safety, and in the success of Ontario. The government’s commitment to transportation infrastructure funding supports the continued success of Ontario’s road building contractors who have strong, proven track records and close ties with local communities, as well as supporting the provincial tax base. With the announcement today, contractors are able to plan their operations, hire staff, mobilize equipment and invest in supply chains and local economies across Ontario,” said Steve Smith, President, Ontario Road Builders’ Association.

“ORBA members build virtually all of the provincial and municipal roads, bridges and transportation infrastructure across the province and the road building sector directly employs in excess of 30,000 workers at peak season. The announcement today helps us continue our work with the government on connecting and enhancing the productivity of communities, alleviating congestion, and enhancing the safety of everyone who uses Ontario’s transportation infrastructure,” said Bryan Hocking, Chief Operating Officer, Ontario Road Builders’ Association.

Northwestern Region

Ontario is investing $103 million to rebuild and restore 18 highway projects in Northwestern Ontario.

Northwestern Region
Highway Type Description
11 OTHER Foundation treatment east of Shabaqua
*17 REHAB Agimac River culverts in Ignace
*17 REHAB Moose Creek culverts near Dryden and Chadwick Lake culvert near Kenora
17 REHAB Culvert replacements west of Shabaqua
17 OTHER Paved shoulders west of Shabaqua
*71 REHAB Reed Narrows Bridge north of Sioux Narrows
*71 REHAB Rushing River Bridge north of Sioux Narrows
102 REHAB McIntyre and Shebandowan Creek culverts, west of Thunder Bay, culvert replacements
*502 REHAB Hwy 11 northerly, east of Fort Frances
*527 REHAB Eaglehead River, Trans Canada pipeline and Little Max Creek culverts on Highway 527, Heaven and Grew Creek culverts on Highway 811, north of Thunder Bay culvert replacements
*527 REHAB Hwy 11/17 northerly, north of Thunder Bay
*527 REHAB Rousseau Lake, Max Creek, and Poshkokagan Lake culverts north of Thunder Bay
527 REHAB Wabikon Creek and Wabinosh River culverts north of Thunder Bay
589 REHAB North of Hwy 102 northerly to north of Lappe, resurfacing
*590 REHAB Cedar Creek culvert #2, west of Kakabeka Falls, culvert replacement
599 REHAB Asinn Creek and Graystone Lake culverts, north of Ignace, culvert replacements
641 REHAB Louise Lake culvert, north of Hwy 17a, Kenora, culvert replacement
7304 OTHER Namakan River bridges, south of Hwy 11, south of Atikokan
bridge rehabilitation / replacement
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