DRYDEN – The Dryden Police are providing an update to an incident which received some social media reporting over the weekend. Police in Dryden reports that on Saturday, July 28, 2018, around 6:00 pm, Dryden Police received three reports of a male who appeared to be injured and bleeding walking near Safeway in Dryden.
The Dryden Police once again confirm that at no time was there any indication that the male was in possession of any weapon dangerous to the public nor was public safety threatened. There are also no reports or ongoing investigations of any criminal offence committed directly related to this incident or individual.
It is often a matter of responsible reporting where reports come in, that it is critical to contact the responsible authority, in addition to presumed eye-witnesses as well. Those presumed eye-witnesses may all be reporting the same social media posting.
In making postings to social it is well worth keeping in mind that the image you may post of a car accident or the comments you may make on social media could be read by a family member and that could be the way that possible bad news is received. Taking a humanistic approach to postings is simply good policy.
Fraud and Scam Alerts
Dryden Police Service wants to alert the public of a Ransomware Scam being reported to the police. Victims are receiving emails that their computer passwords have been obtained and if they do not send money to the sender, sensitive or embarrassing information about the victim will be sent to their contact lists or business contact list.
Fake Gold Jewelry
The Dryden Police Service also wishes to caution the public that when buying jewelry from individuals or groups travelling through Dryden, the jewelry is being sold as authentic high quality gold only later to be found as fake.
To report a fraud or scam or for more information on how to protect yourself; please visit the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre at ww.antifraudcentre-centreantifraude.ca