By Sherri and Arnie Chagnon
THUNDER BAY – LIVING – While staying at the Tbaytel Tamarack House we were offered a complimentary tour of Thunder Bay area by Taylor Green, owner, and operator of Animikii Tours. The tour was an exciting day of learning and seeing the history of this beautiful city and we wanted to highlight a few stand-out moments for you.
Our first stop was to the shoreline of the Kaministiquia River. Can you say breathtaking? Not only did we see the ferocious water raging by us but we got to see a spectacular view of Mount McKay. Taylor showed us that nature has a way of helping us realign ourselves and history has a way of putting us back in touch with where we in life.
Next up was the Amethyst gift center for a quick tour. There is nothing more Ontarian than seeing our amethyst come from the mine in all its roughness and then being able to see it in all its sparkly glory as a finished product. Just like us at the Tbaytel Tamarack House; we start out a little rough and by the end of our treatment we find our true selves with the help of others.
The most emotional part of the day was the Terry Fox Monument. The Monument has taken on a new meaning, almost like seeing it through a new set of eyes that has finally awoken to the realities that we face at the Tbaytel Tamarack House. This part of the tour hit home and has made me appreciate even more what Terry meant in regards to his “Marathon of Hope” All of us at the Tbaytel Tamarack House have our own marathon to go through to make it to the other side.
We have had such an incredible tour and we are so thankful for our experiences over the last few months. Taylor was extremely knowledgeable, courteous and respectful. Taylor donates these tours to the Tbaytel Tamarack House because he believes in giving back to the community.
If you are looking for something new or want to remember the beauty of Thunder Bay go on a tour with Taylor. We promise that it will add enjoyment to your life experience by deepening your knowledge of a place we now call our second home.