Wawakapewin First Nation – State of Emergency Update

A Generator is enroute
A Generator is enroute
A Generator is enroute
A Generator is enroute

Wawakapewin First Nation – UPDATE – The Current challenge: getting the generator to Kasabonika Lake First Nation and then to Wawakapewin First Nation from Pickle Lake.

Ontario Region Chief Isadore days states, “I’ll be on a call today to try and resolve the issue.” The Regional Chief shares, “Over the last several days, the WFN has been working with Canada, Ontario, Kasabonika Lake First Nation and others to get power generation operational — protecting human safety and invaluable water systems infrastructure.

Via the remote leadership of WFN Chief Anne Marie Beardy and her key emergency coordinators Crystal Spencer (WFN Health Director) and Myles Tomkins (WFN O&M), joint efforts have been made to deal with two main challenges:

1) Community Safety / Managing logistics to ensure community members are connected in communications and to ensure that human safety remains paramount.

Chief Beardy has maintained constant contact and has indicated the replenishing wood source and keeping the water plant heated are her main goals.

Chief Anderson and Mike Morris from KLFN are working diligently to ensure that wood supply, able-body support, and road access are being worked on.

2) Mobilizing transportation, installation and commissioning a new generator that will restore direct power to the community. Tormont, a supplier, and electrical contractors are going on today to assess and conduct preliminary efforts to prepare for the new generator.

STATUS – one running creek/open water, is seemingly the main challenge preventing a seamless transportation of the generator using the winter road system.

On a call yesterday, Canada/Ontario continued to offer central coordination on key government-mandated elements of the response to the WFN Emergency.

The main goal that everyone seems to be most concerned with at this point is whether or not a helicopter will be procured. And as of the most recent update this morning — getting the generator to Kasabonika Lake First Nation today is our most immediate situation to resolve.

Some have suggested Federal Department of Defence or services from an Ontario Government fleet.

Regardless — today, as in the last few days, temperatures are at an extreme low which poses a risk to human safety and community infrastructure.

We will continue to support Chief Ann Marie Beardy, who continues to be focused, determined and committed to seeing this through.

Thanks to all who are helping the community.

Ontario Regional Chief Isadore Day

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