THUNDER BAY – Time of Report 18:15 – There were 3 news fires over the weekend, they were all extinguished. There are presently two active fires in the Northwest Region. Kenora 14 is currently 0.4 hectares and is not under control. Red Lake 9 covers 2 hectares and is not under control.
The forest fire hazard varies from moderate to extreme in the Northwest Region, with the western-most corner of the province presenting the highest hazard.
For the moment, the 310-FIRE reporting line is still experiencing technical difficulties in the Northwest Region. In the meantime, AFFES is asking Northwestern Ontarians to report any forest fires by calling the nearest Fire Management Headquarters. All contact information for the headquarters can be found here: https://www.ontario.ca/page/fire-management-offices. An update will be posted on our Twitter account once the problem has been resolved.
To see a complete list of fires across the province click on our interactive map. You can also get the latest update on the condition of any fire by clicking the fire icon.
Fire numbers and online information:
- Follow us on Twitter : in English @ONForestFires or in French @ONFeuDeForêt
- For guidelines on safe outdoor fire management ontario.ca/fireprevention
Report prepared by Isabelle Chenard