KENORA – POLITICS – Week of April 24, 2017 -Last week, I had the opportunity to travel throughout the Kenora riding and make a series of targeted economic development announcements in the communities of Sioux Lookout, Dryden, and Red Lake. These are precisely the types of investments we need to help to grow and diversify our economy in the riding.
Sioux Lookout received an investment of $1,035,863. Of the total, $1 million will be provided through FedNor to support infrastructure development at the Farlinger Park/Town Beach. This investment will help revitalize the waterfront, making it a key destination for tourists and events, while enabling business growth and new development.
The remaining $35,863 provided through the Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program will support the construction of a playground and a pavilion structure to enable gatherings and community events at the Sioux Lookout Tourist Information Centre.
In Dryden, I was pleased to announce $598,641 to support business growth and development, job creation, increased tourism, innovation and economic diversification in the City of Dryden and across Northwestern Ontario. FedNor invested $320,000 to support the ongoing operations of the Patricia Area Community Endeavours CFDC for a one-year period. Specifically, the funding will enable the CFDC to provide small and medium-sized enterprises with business counselling services and access to capital, as well as support for strategic planning and community economic development initiatives.
An additional investment of $278,641 through FedNor’s Community Investment Initiative for Northern Ontario (CIINO) will enable the City of Dryden to hire an economic development officer to pursue a variety of economic development opportunities over a three-year period. This is a very important and welcome addition to Dryden’s plan to grow their economy.
In Red Lake, I was pleased to announce $120,000 for two community projects. Through the Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program, $100,000 will enable the community to modernize its community playground. An additional $20,000 was provided under FedNor’s Northern Ontario Development Program to assist the Municipality of Red Lake to engage the services of a consultant to help determine the feasibility of constructing a new multi-use facility in the community.
In addition to these specific community initiatives, I applauded FedNor’s decision to invest an additional $25 million to strengthen and expand our economy in the north through innovation. The Prosperity and Growth Strategy will support Northerners as they develop new skills for the jobs of today and tomorrow.
All together, these investments will help diversify the local economy, promote tourism and provide quality employment opportunities in communities within our riding. While we still have a lot of work to do, this is a great step forward.
Bob Nault MP