THUNDER BAY – Recent survey results reveal the Health Sciences Centre as a great place to volunteer. In fact, of the 36 Ontario hospitals that completed the 2015 Ontario Standardized Volunteer Opinion Survey, our Hospital was rated among the highest.
“Volunteers play an important role at the Health Sciences Centre,” said Donna Jeanpierre, Manager of Volunteer Services. “They enhance the programs and services we offer and assist staff in providing quality Patient and Family Centred Care. We are fortunate to have so many dedicated and loyal volunteers who provide services in a number of different areas including reception, administration, greeting, patient care areas, and retail sales.”
The survey evaluated the participants’ experiences as volunteers at the Health Sciences Centre. Questions assessed a variety of issues including: volunteer experience and impact, orientation, recognition, teamwork, patient safety, and general safety. According to the results, our hospital is above average in each of those categories and number one in orientation, general safety, and the overall impression of volunteers’ impact on making the hospital a better place.
“We really appreciate everything that our volunteers do for us and our patients and families,” said Jeanpierre. “It’s great to know that our volunteers are truly enjoying their time here as well. It goes to show that volunteering is an enriching experience that is beneficial to everyone.”
“Volunteering has been a tradition in my family, but the most influential was my mom who was a Life Member of Hospital Auxiliaries Association of Ontario (HAAO). She is the reason I decided to volunteer at the Health Sciences Centre. Although I don’t work directly with patients, I love the contact I have with other volunteers and with Hospital employees,” said Cathy Britt, a volunteer with the Health Sciences Centre. “I walk away from every shift with lightness in my heart thanks to the great people I encounter when I walk through the doors.”
Marie Morrow also volunteers at our Hospital and appreciates the opportunity to impact the lives of others. “The rewards that stem from small acts of service are reciprocated by the beaming smiles and thankfulness of patients. Our family of volunteers is supportive and caring and they make me grateful to have found such a wonderful network of friends,” she said.
If you are interested in helping patients and family members, please visit www.tbrhsc.net/join-our-team/become-volunteer/ or contact Volunteer Services at 684-6267 or jeanpied@tbh.net.