When the Ontario Environmental Bill of Rights was introduced in 1993 it was at the forefront of environmental law. But more than 20 years later, the bill has remained largely unchanged while pressure on Ontario’s environment continues to increase. Now, the government of Ontario has opened a 120-day review period and is seeking public consultation on how to improve the bill.
It’s now or never, Ontario: Strengthen Ontario’s Environmental Bill of Rights to protect the people and places we love. Ontario’s Environmental Bill of Rights is incomplete. We need the right to clean air and water, safe food, a stable climate and healthyecosystems in Ontario’s Entironmental Bill of Rights. Now is our opportunity to see Ontario lead by joining more than 110 nations that recognize the human right to a healthy environment. Follow this link to participate in the review: http://action2.davidsuzuki.org/ontario-ebr-review
David Suzuki, Faisal Moola (the David Suzuki Foundation’s director general, Ontario and northern Canada) and others will discuss critical improvements needed to bring this important provincial law into the 21st century.
Event at the Thunder Bay Public Library Waverly Street Branch.
6:30 p.m. – Doors open
7: 00 p.m. – First Nations welcome ceremony
7:10 p.m. – Opening remarks
7:15 p.m. – Speakers
7:45 p.m. – Q&A
8:00 p.m. – Reception