Winnipeg, MB – Mayor Brian Bowman, joined by Wab Kinew, announced the members of the Mayor’s Indigenous Advisory Circle (MIAC), to advise on policies the City of Winnipeg can implement to continue to build awareness, bridges and understanding between the Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal community.
“The circle is a symbol of unity and I am proud to announce the Mayor’s Indigenous Advisory Circle today because to create unity and equality, we must build understanding; through MIAC, much of the important work building strong bridges in our community will continue,” said Mayor Brian Bowman. “I want to thank each member of the Circle for sharing their experience and knowledge to help build a stronger Winnipeg.”
“”I’m looking forward to working with the mayor to advance the project of reconciliation,” said Wab Kinew, Chair of the Mayor’s Indigenous Advisory Circle. “I look forward to ushering in an era when First Nations, Métis and Inuit cultures are celebrated by all Winnipeggers.”
The Mayor’s Indigenous Advisory Circle meetings will be held quarterly – the first meeting will be held on Thursday, September 17th, 2015; a ‘Save-the-Date’ was also announced. This date will be day one of two for the anti-racism summit hosted at, and in partnership with, the Canadian Museum for Human Rights. Additional details regarding speakers, sessions and registration for the summit, also an initiative of 1winnipeg.ca, will be released in July.
An initiative determined through the hundreds of submissions received through Mayor Bowman’s website 1winnipeg.ca, MIAC was created to help establish a means to educate and create awareness of the rich Aboriginal culture, people and heritage that are at the roots of the City and nation.
Indigenous Advisory Circle Members:
Brian Bowman, Mayor (Ex Officio)
Wab Kinew, Chair, Associate Vice-President for Indigenous Relations at the University of Winnipeg
Councillor Cindy Gilroy, Chair, Citizens Equity Committee
Harry Bone, Elder
Mae Louise Campbell, Elder
Esther Ducharme, Elder
Dr. Marcia Anderson-Decoteau
Jessica Dumas, Owner and Founder of Prime Image Life Coaching
EJ Fontaine, President/CEO and founding partners of Anishinabek Consultants Inc.
Damon Johnston, President, Aboriginal Council of Winnipeg
Kimberley Puhach, Consultant, Leaders and Co
Dee Thomas-Hart, university student, youth representative, Aboriginal Chamber of Commerce
Manley A. Begay Jr. co-director of the Harvard Project on American Indian Economic Development at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University
Cindy Blackstock, Executive Director, First Nations Child and Family Caring Society of Canada and Associate Professor, University of Alberta.
Alan Greyeyes, Aboriginal Music Development Manager for Manitoba Music, Chair, Aboriginal Music Manitoba
Chief Robert Louie, Chief, Westbank First Nation
Sean McCormick, CEO and Founder, Manitobah Mukluks
Justice Murray Sinclair, Commissioner, Truth and Reconciliation Commission
Kerri Tattuinee, university student
Jamie Wilson, Commissioner, Treaty Relations Commission of Manitoba