From the House – Senators Misused a Million of Your Dollars – John Rafferty MP

Canadian Senate

Canadian SenateTHUNDER BAY – POLITICS – This past week Canada’s Auditor General delivered his much anticipated report on the Senate expense scandal. It found that Liberal and Conservatives senators had misused more than $1 million of your money (between just April 1, 2011 and March 31, 2013) on everything from rounds of golf, to fishing trips, and in one case to fly their staff out for a party to celebrate the Senators 50th wedding anniversary.

In all, the cases of 30 senators will be handed off to the RCMP (on top of 4 others previously referred) for investigations into breach of trust and fraud. Here is the list of all senators, their party, the Prime Minister that appointed them, and how much they are believed to have misappropriated (* = referred to RCMP before Auditor General Report):

Mac Harb – Liberal – Jean Chretien – $231,649*

Rod Zimmer – Liberal – Paul Martin – $176,014

Marie Charette-Poulin – Liberal – Jean Chretien – $131,434

Pamela Wallin – Conservative – Stephen Harper – $121,348*

Rose-Marie Losier-Cool – Liberal – Jean Chretien – $110,051

Mike Duffy – Conservative – Stephen Harper – $90,172*

Sandra Lovelace Nicholas – Liberal – Paul Martin – $75,227

Gerry St. Germain – Conservative – Brian Mulroney – $67,588

Pierre-Hughes Boisvenu – Conservative – Stephen Harper – $61,076

Patrick Brazeau – Conservative – Stephen Harper – $51,482*

Nick Sibbeston – Liberal – Jean Chretien – $50,102

Don Oliver – Conservative – Brian Mulroney – $48,088

Colin Kenny – Liberal – Pierre Elliot Trudeau – $35,549

Terry Mercer – Liberal – Jean Chretien – $29,338

Dennis Patterson – Conservative – Stephen Harper – $22,985

Janis Johnson – Conservative – Brian Mulroney – $22,706

Joseph Day – Liberal – Jean Chretien – $19,364

Bill Rompkey – Liberal – Jean Chretien – $17,292

Lowell Murray – Conservative – Joe Clark – $16,300

Vivienne Poy – Liberal – Jean Chretien – 15,317

Robert Peterson – Liberal – Paul Martin – $11,493

James Cowan – Liberal – Paul Martin – $10,397 (Opposition Leader in the Senate)

Elaine McCoy – Liberal – Paul Martin – $10,298

Noel Kinsella – Conservative – Brian Mulroney – $9,386

Leo Housakos – Conservative – Stephen Harper – $8,319 (Speaker of the Senate)

Sharon Carstairs – Liberal – Jean Chretien – $7,528

David Tkachuk – Conservative – Brian Mulroney – $7,391

Pana Merchant – Liberal – Jean Chretien – $5,500

Terry Stratton – Conservative – Brian Mulroney – $5,466

Don Plett – Conservative – Stephen Harper – $4,095

Jean-Guy Dagenais – Conservative – Stephen Harper – $3,538

Claude Carignan – Conservative – Stephen Harper – $3,516 (Government Leader in the Senate)

Nicole Eaton – Conservative – Stephen Harper – $3,489

Nancy Greene Raine – Conservative – Stephen Harper – $2,800

As you can see, the senate is an equal opportunity trough for Liberal and Conservative senators alike. New Democrats have always believed that the unelected and unaccountable senate has no place in a modern democracy. These people have been appointed to the senate for no other reason than to fundraise for the party’s that appoint them, and to undermine the will of the democratically elected House of Commons at the direction of their partisan masters.

Should you elect New Democrats to govern this fall we will immediately begin negotiations with the provinces to abolish the senate and to restore power to Canada’s democratically elected House of Commons. What’s more, we also call in the Auditor General to examine our own expenses in the House of Commons and to overhaul the administration of parliament to ensure this abuse of your tax dollars never happens again. You can support our efforts today at:

John Rafferty MP

Thunder Bay Rainy River

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John Rafferty MP
John Rafferty is the current Member of Parliament for Thunder Bay – Rainy River and a member of the New Democratic Party caucus in the House of Commons in Ottawa, Ontario. John was first elected to serve as MP in the 2008 federal election and was subsequently re-elected on May 2, 2011 with 48.1% of the vote.