Holiday Coffee Cups Out from Tim Hortons

Each time a guest shares a good deed using the #WarmWishes hashtag on Twitter or Instagram, Tim Hortons will pay-it-forward and donate a toque to a child in need through the Tim Horton Children’s Foundation. Tim Hortons’ goal is to provide to 10,000 children with a warm and cozy toque this holiday season.
Each time a guest shares a good deed using the #WarmWishes hashtag on Twitter or Instagram, Tim Hortons will pay-it-forward and donate a toque to a child in need through the Tim Horton Children’s Foundation. Tim Hortons’ goal is to provide to 10,000 children with a warm and cozy toque this holiday season.
Each time a guest shares a good deed using the #WarmWishes hashtag on Twitter or Instagram, Tim Hortons will pay-it-forward and donate a toque to a child in need through the Tim Horton Children’s Foundation. Tim Hortons’ goal is to provide to 10,000 children with a warm and cozy toque this holiday season.
Each time a guest shares a good deed using the #WarmWishes hashtag on Twitter or Instagram, Tim Hortons will pay-it-forward and donate a toque to a child in need through the Tim Horton Children’s Foundation. Tim Hortons’ goal is to provide to 10,000 children with a warm and cozy toque this holiday season.

THUNDER BAY – LIVING – Sometimes it seems that lots of people are walking around with a cup of coffee in one hand, and a smartphone in the other. The popularity of coffee to go is growing all the time.

Tim Hortons annual holiday cups have arrived, dressed for the season and, for the very first time, feature a celebratory hashtag #WarmWishes.

“Each year our loyal guests send us hundreds of fun and inspirational pictures of our Tim Hortons holiday cup on social media, so we decided to include a hashtag to give Canadians a gathering place to share their warm wishes,” says Peter Nowlan, Chief Marketing Officer, Tim Hortons.

To celebrate the warm and cozy cup, which comes in a variety of festive sweater designs – one for each size cup –Tim Hortons is launching a social media campaign using the new #WarmWishes hashtag to encourage Canadians to do good for others in an effort to help spread some warmth this holiday season.

“We’re fortunate to have incredible guests who are already spontaneously doing good deeds during the holidays, so we wanted to mirror that generosity with this campaign,” explains Nowlan. Each time a guest shares a good deed using the #WarmWishes hashtag on Twitter or Instagram, Tim Hortons will pay-it-forward and donate a toque to a child in need through the Tim Horton Children’s Foundation with a goal of providing up to up to 10,000 children with a warm and cozy toque.

“We want to give our guests added incentive to share their holiday good deeds, whether it is shovelling a driveway or holding a door open, and in turn we will pay-it-forward,” says Nowlan. “We feel that one good deed deserves another.”

To kick off the campaign, Tim Hortons is bringing #WarmWishes to life today with a specially designed matching knit sweater for its travelling coffee truck, the TimsRunner. The “yarn-bombed” TimsRunner will be en route in Torontoduring the holiday season surprising guests throughout the city with a free hot cup of Tim Hortons new Dark Roast coffee.

“Knitting a sweater for the TimsRunner is a festive way for us to say thank you, spread cheer, and give our guests something to smile about while enjoying a coffee on us,” says Nowlan. “When the time comes to remove the sweater, the yarn will be washed and repurposed into blankets that will be donated to a local shelter.”

To participate in the campaign, and to help Tim Hortons reach its goal of providing up to 10,000 children with a warm and cozy toque, guests can share their good deeds with @TimHortons on Instagram or Twitter using the #WarmWishes hashtag. Guests are also encouraged to visit to view photos from other Canadians who have shared their #WarmWishes.


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