Leg Hold Trap at Boulevard Lake Concerns Police
THUNDER BAY – Thunder Bay Police report that “On the evening of May 5th, 2014, Thunder Bay Police assisted Animal Services with an investigation of a grey squirrel that had been injured in a trap on the northeast side of the lake near Cuyler Street and Birch Lane”.
Police state, “A citizen found the injured animal and contacted Animal Control to help tend to the squirrel that was stuck in leg hold steel trap. It would appear that the weight imitated device had trapped the squirrel and severed it’s leg. The squirrel has since been euthanized due the extent of the injuries”.
The Thunder Bay Police are warning the public to use caution while walking pets in the Boulevard Lake area.
These types of devices can cause injury to animals and small children who may unexpectedly come upon the trap. Please be observant while walking in the area and repost any such devices located to the police.
Thunder Bay Police stated, “It is illegal to use these types of devices”. Anyone with information about who may have placed this trap in the area is asked to contact the police at 684-1200 or contact Crime Stoppers at1-800-222-TIPS (8477) orwww.tipsubmit.com.