Public Safety Top Rank by RCMP
SYLVAN LAKE – CRIME – On Wednesday, March 12th, 2014 at approximately 6:30PM, Sylvan Lake RCMP members responded to a complaint from a citizen who reported that they just witnessed a large cougar behind Fairway Estates walking towards Lakeshore Drive.
Members responded to the area, located large footprints and tracked the animal eventually to a back yard of a Lakeshore Drive residence where the animal had taken cover under a collapsed Gazebo. Members contacted Alberta Fish and Wildlife for assistance and remaining on scene for some time until the Fish and Wildlife Officers arrived on scene. Fish and Wildlife Officers assessed the situation, and the cougar was subsequently euthanised.
It is unfortunate this cougar had to be euthanised, but the safety of the public has to be officers first priority in these situations. Cougars are typically very shy of humans and will leave the area quickly if they know a human is nearby, but this cougar`s behaviour was a threat to public safety.
Residents are encouraged not to feed deer and to reduce attractants on their property as it may draw in predators. If anyone has concerns about cougar activity, they can call the 24-hour Report A Poacher line at 1-800-642-3800.