- Women in Politics brought together women from across Canada and across political lines to share how to navigate the often stormy waters of political life.
Goal – Encourage more Women into the Political Arena
THUNDER BAY – Encouraging more women to enter the fray and battle of the political arena was the goal of Women in Politics. The educational and informational session hosted at the Valhalla Inn in Thunder Bay demonstrated how despite differences in political ideology, women often seem more willing to work together.
There were several declared, and soon to declare candidates at the three and a half hour session yesterday hosted by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities, The Paro Centre, Thunder Bay Chamber of Commerce and hosted live in NetNewsLedger.
Women in Politics
The ladies enjoyed hearing from Mayors, Councillors and MPs, on the top issues that they need to know to succeed at a political campaign.
The atmosphere, and the engagement offered an insight for candidates and prospective candidates on how to form their campaign team, how to campaign, how to fundraise, and all of the important areas that need to be a part of a successful political campaign.
Hot Seat Minute – The One Minute Political Primer
Questions and Answers from Hot Seat Minute
Political Campaign School
The ladies went through the FCM Political Campaign School, normally a full weekend course, in a three hour session. The speed was fast, but the women worked together to get through the hurry up offense at a speed that would have impressed any seasoned political campaigners.
Building the Campaign Plan