Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre Smoker’s Care
THUNDER BAY – Health – For more than 30 years the Canadian Council for Tobacco Control has sponsored National Non-Smoking Week as a means of educating Canadians about the dangers of smoking, preventing people from starting smoking, supporting people to help them quit smoking, and advocating for smoke-free policies and practices. This year, National Non-Smoking Week will be held from January 19 to 25th.
The Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre (TBRHSC) will be taking part and promoting National Non-Smoking Week Events as part of their Smoke-Free Together initiative that aims to keep hospital grounds smoke-free. Community partners, like Smokers’ Helpline, will be involved in some of the week’s events.
Naomi McNeill, Senior Coordinator at Smokers’ Helpline, said “Smokers’ Helpline is proud to support the hospital for the ongoing support they are offering to people who are trying to quit smoking because it can be challenging to quit.” McNeill will be onsite at TBRHSC on Jan. 22 with other community partners to help provide more information, education, and support to staff, patients, and visitors who would like more information or support for quitting smoking.
“Smokers’ Helpline is encouraging tobacco users to make 2014 their healthiest year by quitting smoking and tobacco use. You can increase your chances of quitting smoking by calling Smokers’ Helpline or visiting our website. Another way you can quit is by joining the Driven to Quit Challenge,” added McNeill about their quit smoking challenge where participants have a chance to win a new car.
For people who are interested in quitting or looking for supports, ‘Care Kits’ are available at TBRHSC’s Information Desk located at the Main Entrance. These kits include helpful resources on quitting smoking from the Thunder Bay District Health Unit and Smokers’ Helpline.
For more information on how you can quit or help someone to quit visit www.tbrhsc.net/smokefree or call Smokers’ Helpline at: 1-877-513-5333.