Hillary Clinton Presidential Aspirations?
NEW YORK – US Politics – Have you picked up your free Ready for Hillary bumper sticker yet? That is the question that the ‘Ready for Hillary’ Political Action Committee is asking. General Wesley Clark has sent out an email to supporters seeking their support for a 2016 run for the White House in 2016 by Hillary Clinton.
The former First Lady, New York Senator, and Secretary of State under President Obama during his first term is said to be looking at 2016 as her year for the Democrats.
The ‘Ready for Hillary’ campaign team has rented the Hillary 2008 mailing list of supporters and sent out the message to past supporters on January 5 2014.
General Clark’s email reads, “Please take a moment to read this special message from General Wes Clark. Ready For Hillary PAC is solely responsible for the content of this message.
“Grassroots movements happen when neighbors talk to neighbors and tell them to get involved.
“One of the best ways to spark these conversations about Hillary potentially running in 2016 is by showing your support right now.
“Have you picked up your free Ready for Hillary bumper sticker yet?”
General Clark adds, “Hillary has what it takes to be the next President of the United States. But today, as she decides whether to run she needs to see our support. Now is the time to get our support for Hillary organized and ready for 2016”.