THUNDER BAY – Civic News – City of Thunder Bay, Superior North EMS, Thunder Bay Public Library (TBPL) and the Thunder Bay District Social Services Administration Board (TBDSSAB) employees have pledged a total of $219,561.98 to the United Way today.
This is the 18th Annual Employee Campaign.
At a special wrap-up celebration held at the Community Auditorium today, cheques were presented to Joanne Kembel, Executive Director of the United Way from:
- City of Thunder Bay fundraising event Co-Chairs for $155,047.57
- Ernie Kadikoff on behalf of Superior North EMS for $40,623.15,
- Andrew Scavarelli, on behalf of TBDDSAB for $21,522 and
- Barb Philp, TBPL for $2,369.26
“I am so proud of the ongoing commitment the Municipal Division displays for the United Way and for what we’ve been able to accomplish over the last 18 years,” said Carol Pollard, Municipal Division Campaign Chair and City Treasurer & General Manager – Finance & Corporate Services. “It is astounding that year after year, our employees continue to dig deep and give so generously.
“The United Way makes such a huge impact in our community, right here at home. When you break it down, one in three families in Thunder Bay have benefitted. These are our neighbours, our colleagues and our friends. The money the Municipal Division has raised will ensure the 64 agencies funded through the United Way will continue. More families will be able to eat, more kids will get the basic necessities of clothing, more students will be provided suicide intervention training, and more hospice clients will receive support just to name a few.”
Over the last 18 years, the Municipal Division Employee Campaign has now given $2,098,139.55 to the United Way. Employees contribute through payroll deduction, cash donations, Dress Down Days and special events including a Kick-off Luncheon that attracted over 400 employees, a Spaghetti Dinner & Auction, the “United We Stand” Run, the Mayor’s Mulligan Golf Tournament and new this year, and proceeds donated from the Tenors Concert, City Manager’s Super SurPRIZE Draw, along with other departmental initiatives.
The Campaign was organized by more than 200 volunteers with support from many others. Well over 50% of Municipal Division employees contributed to the United Way through payroll deduction or by cash donation.
The Municipal Division Campaign team also wishes to acknowledge the tremendous staff of the United Way for their ongoing support and assistance.