Youthful Enthusiasm and Determination Fuel Books With No Bounds
THUNDER BAY – Books with no Bounds is a project that gets books into the hands of young people across Northern Ontario.
The mission of Books With No Bounds is to provide Aboriginal children and teens living in remote communities, with books donated by publishers, authors, schools, individuals and organizations. Books With No Bounds organizes, catalogues, packs, and sends appropriate books to the Nishnawbe Aski Nations so that Aboriginal children and teens are given critical building blocks for literacy success.

Every Child Deserves Opportunity
Books With No Bounds believes that every child deserves the opportunity to read and should have access to an enormous supply of books. By providing sorely needed reading material and other learning tools, Books With No Bounds refreshes the shelves of Aboriginal school libraries, community groups and organizations, and ensures children and teens have access to good books, regardless of where they live.
The two inspiring young ladies, Julia and Emma Mogus, who founded Books With No Bounds have shared, “Prime Minister Harper’s Office sent us this letter after we mailed hundreds and hundreds of letters, signatures and a huge banner in support of First Nation children; so that they may grow up safely at home, get a good education, be healthy and be proud of their cultures.
“Our hope is to see our brothers and sisters in the north be given the same funding for education, access to afforable healthy food and much more”.
“My sister and I continue to give as much as we can so that First Nation children, living on the reserves of the Nishnawbe Aski Nation, will have good books and other learning tools for education success”.
“We just paid our Wasaya Airways invoices for our last shipment and continue to box thousands of more books during our free time,” the Mogus sisters share.
“We are preparing to build and revitalize school/ communitiy libraries with the help of kind and generous people, schools and organizations. We are working to shed light on the inconceivable cost of healthy food in the ‘fly-in’ communties, the unimaginable high rates of suicide among Aborignal youth, the impoverished ‘third world’ conditions First Nation families must endure… while sharing with the world the beauty of Aboriginal cultures, the kindness and generosity of First Nation people and the incredible courage and strength of all Aboriginal people in our country”.
Julia and Emma Mogus state, “We believe in PEACE, fairness and equal rights to all … and nothing less! “

Facta Non Verba – Deeds Not Words!
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