Idle No More – We say Hoka Hay

Idle No More, Treaty 6

Idle No More
Sylvia shares, “The shawl I’m wearing was given to me from a lady in London but was from Peru. She told me she wore it all her people’s demonstrations and protests”.

Sylvia McAdam Saysewahum
Sylvia McAdam Saysewahum

Idle No More Marches On

SASKATOON – Idle No More is a spiritual gift that continues to inspire and move all people to come forward and protect our Treaties, Indigenous sovereignty, land and water. 

I want to share some amazing stories about some things that really moved me with INM because sometimes we forget what brought all of us together to stand in courage and love.

Fort Qu’Appelle Teach In – We say Hoka

When a bunch of us were in Ft. Qu’Appelle doing a teach in, after it was done; people came over and shook hands with us. I noticed a older lady standing alone, sorta waiting. When most of the people were done shaking hands with us, this same lady came over slowly. She took my hands and told me how important INM is. Then she said “I’m a Nakota women and we have a saying, we say hoka and it means I will follow you.”

Then she paused and said “But when we say hoka hay – it means I will follow you to the death”.

She looked at me and said “Sylvia, hoka hay for Idle No More”.

Of course I got emotional and we hugged. its the kind of emotional connection that reaches a spiritual level and I will never forget her, she is etched in my memory. She was basically telling me she will follow Idle No More to the death. Such a profound and powerful statement.

Idle No More is amazing simple because it brought the grassroots people out of their homes to stand together to say “No More”. No more to the ongoing destruction of land and water.

No More of the termination of Treaties, SIMPLY NO MORE. That’s what’s amazing and beautiful that all of us have done.

That’s how come change will come and we will be heard.

You’re all awesome and I’m proud that each one of you in your own way contributed to making a stand and you continue to do it.

Say prayers for our Treaties, Indigenous sovereignty, land and water. Miyotipiskansik kahkike.

Sylvia McAdam Saysewahum

Idle No More Founder

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