Volunteer Thunder Bay Looking for helpers
THUNDER BAY – Volunteer Thunder Bay shares that the Veggie Garden is looking for some help.
We have a big week with Youth Works coming up next week – a 16 youth crew with only 2 leaders …and it is their last week. … so I need adults to take on a crew to do specific shores. We can get lots finished if we can break the crews up into working sizes with one adult per 2,3 or 4 youth.
So the week is Monday to Thursday – 9:45 to 3 pm with 12 – 1 for lunch.
We need to:
- cement in the brick and rock work
- landscape the apple trees to match the existing work done
- put up the chain link fence at the laneway
- move the holding area east wall – repaint holding area
- build framing for new holding area
- dig out tree root
- remove asphalt
If you have any expertise in any of these areas, we need you … and if you know anyone with expertise in putting up a chain link fence, we need them. General carpentry, jack of all trades .. needed. Call Marg to get more details and to volunteer.
Please respond asap because I will need to get materials and tools for some of these chores lined up this week if we are to do them.
For more info contact veggiegardenproject@shaw.ca