TORONTO – A memorial service will be held in Toronto today to honour the fallen ORGNE Air crew who were killed with their helicopter went down during a flight to Attawapiskat.
To honour our four fallen colleagues, Ornge will hold a memorial service for Captain Don Filliter, First Officer Jacques Dupuy, Flight Paramedic Dustin Dagenais and Flight Paramedic Chris Snowball.
Date: Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Time: 2 p.m. (expected to run 90 minutes)
Location: Toronto Police College (TPC)
70 Birmingham St.
Toronto, Ontario
Ornge is grateful for the assistance provided by the Toronto Police Service in hosting this event, and to Rogers TV for providing host broadcast services.
The memorial service will be broadcast live on Rogers TV, TVCogeco and Shaw TV throughout Ontario and streamed live at www.rogerstv.com/Ornge.