THUNDER BAY – Thunder Bay Police dealt with twenty six incidents over the past twenty-four hours. This included a sexual assault for an indecent act in the 1400 Block of Balmoral Street. The majority of the incidents that police dealt with were Quality of Life incidents, where fourteen such calls were responded to by officers.
Thirteen of those incidents were alcohol related. Calls for service from the Thunder Bay Police are in many cases alcohol and drug related with almost half of the calls in the past three days being alcohol related.
There were four assaults overnight. Three in the south core, one in the north core.
Thunder Bay Crime Report

Slippery streets from the snow and rain appear to not be impacting drivers too much. Police report only two traffic incidents over the past twenty-four hours.
Today’s slippery conditions are likely to add to that total.
Help make Thunder Bay safer
Do you know of a crime or incident that Thunder Bay’s Finest can assist? Call the Thunder Bay Police at 684-1200 or Crime Stoppers at 623-8477. You may also send an anonymous tip
You can also help make our community a better place by taking ownership of your neighbourhood. For businesses, the small things that you might overlook make a huge difference. Sweeping up the sidewalk in front of your shop, making sure broken windows or graffiti is cleaned up quickly.
Making your neighbourhood, be it a business or residential area more attractive will keep crime rates down.
Lighting really helps too. Lighting makes it harder for criminals to hide in the shadows.
Keeping your home and neighbourhood safe can be as easy as ensuring that ladders are not left outside. As the weather warms up, and people start biking again on a regular basis it is important to lock up bikes or bring them inside.
Each of the little things we all can easily do assist police in making Thunder Bay a safer community.