Thunder Bay – Aboriginal – LUNSA 25th Anniversary Pow Wow gets fully underway today at Lakehead University!
The warm ups were on Friday night. There is a lot of excitement building, with many drums coming.
The Elder for the event, Calvin Ottertail has been helping set up the event, working with the students. The Elder is also assisting with NetNewsledger in guiding us in our second year of offering the LUNSA Pow Wow in an HD Livestream+ broadcast. The Grand Entry and all of the Pow Wow, except for Prayer Songs will be broadcast.
LUNSA 25th Anniversary Pow Wow
Pow Wow 101
While many people may think that a Pow Wow is a closed event, that would be making the wrong assumption. Not only is the Pow Wow open to all, but all are encouraged to come out and attend. You are welcome.
Read Pow Wow 101 and find out a little more.
The Master of Ceremonies, Nathan Moses will guide you through the protocols for the event.
The event is hosted at Lakehead University at the Field House.