THUNDER BAY – The Ontario Native Women’s Association are running a Food Van to help people who are in need of hot meals in Thunder Bay. The van runs two runs per day, and covers both sides of Thunder Bay the Port Arthur and the Fort William downtown cores.
Lunch is served from 11:30 until 2PM Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays. Dinner is Wednesdays and Fridays from 6PM until 8PM. The Food Van is in Port Arthur on Cumberland Street near the Hydro Building and in Fort William near the Brodie Street Library.
Ontario Native Women’s Association Food Van
The service is in partnership with Shkoday Abinojiiwak Obimiwedoon.
For more information contact Ontario Native Women’s Association at (807) 623-3442 or visit the website www.onwa-tbay.ca
ONWA is also able to assist women who are in need of help, or advice on their new talk4healing.ca website or by calling 1-855-554-HEAL.
For many Aboriginal women, getting help in their own language, or even just from someone who understands the cultural realities is a key component of the process. Traditionally Aboriginal women have turned to their grandmothers, mothers, sisters, and aunts for support. The approach of Talk4Healing is to have trained Aboriginal counselors helping Aboriginal women.
The goal of Talk 4 Healing is to make women seeking help more comfortable in dealing with issues and problems. However as Robin Haliuk shared with NNL, the service is also open for men looking to help women in their lives too. The grandfather or father concerned for their granddaughter or daughters are encouraged to call in as well.
The site also has a Facebook page.
Read more about the new Talk4Healing service here.