Incoming Premier Kathleen Wynne Faces Challenges

Most observers felt Kathleen Wynne hit top notes in her speech today to Liberal delegates
Most observers felt Kathleen Wynne hit top notes in her speech today to Liberal delegates
Ontario Liberal Leader, Premier Kathleen Wynne
Ontario Liberal Leader, Premier Kathleen Wynne

THUNDER BAY – Incoming Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne states, “This leadership race has been about ideas, renewal, and excitement.  Now, as a party, we will take that vision, that momentum, and transform it into a brighter future. I want to thank Dalton McGuinty for putting us on such a strong course,” continued Wynne, “And recognize and thank all the incredible candidates and their supporters who worked so hard to reinvigorate the Ontario Liberal Party.”

The Liberals are coming out of their Leadership Convention united behind Wynne. How that unity moves the Ontario Government forward is unknown. The Liberal Party is in a minority government status at Queen’s Park.

The Ontario Progressive Conservatives appear to have drawn a firm line in the political sand.  

Offering congratulations, Vic Fedeli says “History was made Saturday, Ontario has its first woman Premier”. However the PC MPP states, “Nothing was addressed in the leadership speeches on the key issues, and the new Premier wants to continue with former Premier McGuinty’s legacy and plans”.

PCs – Premier Kathleen Wynne Needs a Plan

“For six straight years, unemployment has soared, and Premier Wynne has offered no plan. She never even uttered the words ‘jobs’ or ‘debt crisis’ “.

Fedeli who attended the Liberal Convention, as an observer says, “Ontario’s Liberals couldn’t have picked a leader more similar to Dalton McGuinty than Kathleen Wynne. While half a million Ontarians struggled to find work, she handed out big raises”.

“I was more concerned with what I didn’t hear” commented Fedeli. “Ontarians won’t be fooled; Kathleen Wynne is part of the same old Liberal gang that got us into this mess”.

“We will have an election whenever the Liberals call one, but we are waiting for their plan that addresses what is really important for Ontarian, jobs and the debt crisis”

The Ontario Federation of Labour states, “Ontario’s new Premier must meet the challenges left by her predecessor head on. Kathleen Wynne must tackle Ontario’s growing inequality and protect workers’ rights as her top priorities.

“Kathleen Wynne was elected Premier amid the largest public protest her party has seen since forming government eight years ago,” said OFL President Sid Ryan. “It will be a big challenge for her to lead if she doesn’t act quickly to repair the damage done to our communities by cutting social programs and suspending workers’ rights.”

The OFL and the PCs appear united against the Liberals.

Fedeli commented, “While Kathleen Wynne sat at the cabinet table, her government raised spending to record levels. They taxed Ontarians while wasting public funds on political follies, including $1 billion on cancelling two power plants, and millions wasted at Ornge while patient care suffered. With a $411-billion debt on the horizon and over half a million out of work, we can’t afford another year of ineffective leadership from this Liberal government.”

Wynne pledged to draw on the renewed energy of the Ontario Liberal Party and immediately begin the process to reconvene the Legislature on February 19th.

“The best way to build on our tremendous success is to keep governing, because Ontarians don’t want an election. They expect us to lead,” said Wynne.

“This weekend, Ontario Liberals came together to support the vision of a stronger, healthier, and fairer province,” concluded Wynne. “I’m excited to take these ideas and put them into action, for all of us.”

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