Devon Nicholson I have received some very positive blood test results

Superstar Billy Graham and his wife with Jesse Ventura and his wife - Photo courtesy of Billy Graham and Devon Nicholson ©all rights reserved.
Superstar Billy Graham and his wife with Jesse Ventura and his wife - Photo courtesy of Billy Graham and Devon Nicholson ©all rights reserved.
Devon Nicholson 10th week on the experimental Hepatitis C treatment
Devon Nicholson 10th week on the experimental Hepatitis C treatment

OTTAWA – Health News – Devon Nicholson has been sharing his story with NetNewsledger. A few weeks ago, Devon was slowed down by the struggle against Hepatitis C. Since then the former professional wrestler has got up, off the mat and is making some serious progress. Nicholson is getting words of support from his network of friends and supporters including wrestling legend Billy ‘Superstar’ Graham.

The latest from Devon Nicholson:

It has been a while since I’ve been able to write a treatment update for NetNewsLedger due to the increasing side effects that I have been experiencing.  I wanted to make sure I did one for the Holidays for who have been following my treatment. I have been through Thunder Bay many times.  Both while driving through and when I promoted wrestling events at Fort William Gardens.  I have always found the people of the city very friendly and down to earth and I hope to return there in the future.

Since my last writing I have received some very positive blood test results. My doctors have informed me that thus far my experimental Incivek “triple therapy” treatment has been effective as I have received a Rapid Viral Response (RVR).  This means that the Hepatitis C virus is no longer detectable in my blood. 

My liver specialist has told me that if I can fight through the side effects of these powerful medications for the next 14 weeks there is a good chance that I will have a Sustained Viral Response (SVR) and be cured of the disease 24 weeks post treatment.

Being cured of Hepatitis C would be fantastic as it would likely greatly extend my life. 

It would also give me the chance to be able to compete in MMA, Amateur Wrestling or Professional Wrestling without any health obstacles getting in my way.

My latest treatment video update was a special “Holiday Update” stressing the importance of family and friend support during treatment. 

One very good friend who has helped me tremendously ever since he found out I was Hepatitis C positive has been Wayne Coleman who is better known as former WWF (now known as WWE) Champion “Superstar” Billy Graham. 

Superstar Billy Graham and his wife with Jesse Ventura and his wife - Photo courtesy of Billy Graham and Devon Nicholson ©all rights reserved.
Superstar Billy Graham and his wife with Jesse Ventura and his wife – Photo courtesy of Billy Graham and Devon Nicholson ©all rights reserved.

Graham’s two most famous protégés are former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura,  and wrestling megastar Hulk Hogan. 

[pullquote No matter how much weight you lose and suffering you are going through now you will come back as the champion in life that you always have been and it will be worth it all.  Be careful of stress levels (including money stress) as it can actually cause more harm to you while on the treatment cycle – Superstar Billy Graham [/pullquote]

Graham posted this message on his official Facebook page regarding my week 10 Update:

“The Christmas update was very good, positive and upbeat. I would suggest that in future updates you do include some more statements by family members that are all pulling for you and how much they believe you will beat this Hep C because of the new Incivek drug for one thing but your total commitment to endure the side effects.

Valerie (Graham’s wife) saw your interviews and asked me to remind you that the weight loss is TEMPORARY and a small price to pay to get clean, get your life back and your career as well.

No matter how much weight you lose and suffering you are going through now you will come back as the champion in life that you always have been and it will be worth it all.  Be careful of stress levels (including money stress) as it can actually cause more harm to you while on the treatment cycle.”

Graham is also Hepatitis C positive and was forced to have a liver transplant 10 years ago because of the disease.

I would like to wish everyone in Thunder Bay a Merry Christmas, Happy Holiday season and a wonderful New Year!

Devon Nicholson

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Devon Nicholson
Devon “Hannibal” Nicholson has wrestled all over the world for major companies including World Wrestling Entertainment and TNA Impact Wrestling. As a wrestling promoter he has consistently presented the highest attended none-WWE events in Canada since 2007. Nicholson has worked with legendary performers such as Kevin Nash, Terry Funk, Scott Steiner, Psycho Sid Vicious, Christian and a long list of others. Devon has been friends with Wayne “Superstar” Billy Graham Coleman since 2011. They’ve become particularly close over the past year as Graham has been mentoring Nicholson and helping him overcome health obstacles so he can one day return to the active competition. In amateur sports Nicholson has been a National Champion in Freestyle Wrestling, a Canadian Open Winner in Grappling and an Olympic Trials Silver Medalist in Greco Roman Wrestling.