Cycling Will Prove to be a Powerful Way to Fight Childhood Cancer

Westgate’s Team “4 Boyz and 2 Girlz “ at Thunder Bay’s 2011 Inside Ride Event accepting their medals for team spirit.
Westgate’s Team “4 Boyz and 2 Girlz” at Thunder Bay’s 2011 Inside Ride Event accepting their medals for team spirit.

THUNDER BAY – September is Childhood Cancer Awareness month. While most kids return to school in September, some don’t. Perhaps they are being treated for cancer that will strike 1500 new children in Canada every year. This is sobering. These children, unlike adults with cancer, haven’t had poor diets, smoked, or lacked exercise. So why? That’s for the experts to try to figure out and during this month, we hope that funds raised help them do that. One such organization on a fundraising mission is The Coast to Coast Foundation Against Cancer. (CTCFAC)

CTCFAC is a force to be reckoned with. Their goal is stated “As Canada’s only national charity devoted to fighting childhood cancer, Coast To Coast Against Cancer ensures 100% of receiptable funds raised go toward improving the survival rate and quality of life of children and their families impacted by cancer”.

“We raise funds by conducting memorable events that encourage active and healthy lifestyles. From cycling rides to team-building activities, children across the country benefit from the generous support of our sponsors, participants, donors and volunteers.” Read more on their website

Events organized by CTCFAC are zipping into Thunder Bay twice this month. The famous and daunting Sears National Kids Cancer Ride ( ) will be arriving outside the Sears store at Intercity at 5:30 pm on Tues, Sept 11.

These cyclists are heading across Canada in relay teams and we have had local people involved in the past- Janna Levanto and Harry Fediuk. You can join the year’s team at Sears on the 11th for a BBQ and a ceremony dedicated to local cancer children that helps the cyclists keep inspired. Camp Quality’s director Gladys Berringer was contacted to find a child who can speak to their battle with cancer and Reagan Peace, a six year veteran of Camp Quality will be telling his story. Funds raised from this tour go directly to National childhood cancer research.

Here is Reagan  at camp waiting with Joline for their early morning CBC interview.
Here is Reagan at camp waiting with Joline for their early morning CBC interview 2012

The 2nd visit to Thunder Bay will be a stop over by the National Inside Ride Tour. This semi load of crazy team building stationary cycling fun will set up an event on Tuesday, September 18th at the P.A Prosvita at 4:30 pm. Funds raised are exclusively for Camp Quality Northwestern Ontario. Last year’s event at Westgate Collegiate raised $8500 for CQNWO and organizers hope to double that this year. Teams of six enter and each member cycles 10 min. Prizes for costumes , speed, enthusiasm , fundraising are up for grabs. A meal is also in the offing for teams that are able to donate $1000 to Camp Quality. This event is for anyone able to cycle an adult size bike. Register at

So why do this for kids with cancer ? A donor once told me that he was donating because he had a good life and some kids with cancer may not be able to, so he wanted to ensure that groups like Camp Quality would have the ability to enrich their lives, offer them friendship and help them smile. Please take a moment to donate and congratulate these fine organizations at these events.

Clara Butikofer
Camp Quality Northwestern Ontario und Development

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