Healthbeat – Haircuts Support a Home Away From Home


[captionpix imgsrc=”” captiontext=”If you are interested in hosting a head-shaving or other fundraising event, please contact your Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Foundation at (807) 345-HOPE (4673) or” width=”620″ height=”415″]

EMO – In Emo, a shave and a haircut cost much more than two-bits this past April 21, but it was all for a good cause. In fact, this year’s Cuts for Cancer raised $7,371.72 for the Tbaytel Tamarack House. “So many people have been touched by cancer,” said Stacey Kreger, owner of Hair and Body Care Shoppe in Emo and the one who spearheads the annual event. “When we all help, we can make a difference in the lives of those living with cancer.”

Not only does Kreger shave heads at Cuts for Cancer, she also offers regular haircuts and donates the proceeds. In addition to numerous haircuts, three heads and one beard were shaved. In five minutes, the beard shaving alone raised $471.72.

For the past 11 years, the community has held Cuts for Cancer during its Spring Fever Days. Everyone is encouraged to raise pledges to have their heads shaved in support of the Tbaytel Tamarack House through the Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Foundation’s Northern Cancer Fund.

Undergoing cancer treatment is a difficult and emotional journey for anyone. Undergoing cancer treatment without the comfort of your home, the support from your family and loved ones, and the embrace of your community adds to the challenges of that journey. For many in the Rainy River District – and indeed all across Northwestern Ontario – Tbaytel Tamarack House makes all the difference.

Each year, over 1,500 Northwestern Ontario residents are treated for cancer at Regional Cancer Care Northwest. During their 6-8 weeks of treatments, the Tbaytel Tamarack House is their ‘home away from home’. Not only is it just steps away from radiation and chemotherapy treatments, patients stay at no cost to them, enjoy many of the amenities of home, and get the company and support from other patients.

Emo community members know just how important the Tbaytel Tamarack House is—and they are no strangers to giving back.

“I’m proud to say that with the help of my staff and our community, we raised a significant amount of money to directly support the Tbaytel Tamarack House,” Kreger said. “Our home away from home makes a big difference when one of our community members is going through the cancer journey. Really, this is a thank you for being available to so many people from our area.”


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