Healthbeat – How you can make a difference

Volunteers make all the difference
Long time office volunteer Terry Wainwright poses with Brian McKinnon, Chair, Board of Directors, Health Sciences Foundation (left) and Glenn Craig, President & CEO, Health Sciences Foundation (right), at the Volunteer Recognition Dinner.

THUNDER BAY – Healthbeat – It has been said that volunteers are the backbone of an organization; this is certainly true at the Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Foundation.

The mission of the Health Sciences Foundation is to inspire the people of Northwestern Ontario to give generously to enable the advancement of world class healthcare at Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre. Glenn Craig, President & CEO of the Health Sciences Foundation knows that volunteers play a huge role in making that possible.

“Volunteers help raise hundreds of thousands of dollars in support of excellence in healthcare every year,” says Craig. “We simply could not do it without them.”

Volunteers provide support to the foundation in countless ways. Whether they are helping out around the office, volunteering their time at our many special events, or selling raffle tickets throughout the region, they are an invaluable asset to the Foundation.

Fortunately, the Foundation has been blessed with a tremendous group of individuals who are always willing to lend a hand. When new volunteers are needed, Katherine Frape, Executive Office Coordinator, finds that they are usually not too hard to come by.

“We have such a great pool of volunteers because the Foundation is an easy organization to get behind,” she says. “The work we do here touches virtually everyone in Northwestern Ontario.”

Volunteering is also a great way to meet new people, and experience the different events hosted by the Health Sciences Foundation throughout the community. Not only that, but volunteers gain valuable work experience that can be especially helpful to students or young professionals who are trying to build their resumes.

To learn more about how you can volunteer at the Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Foundation, visit our website at and go to the “Get Involved” section. To speak to someone about volunteer opportunities, please call us at (807) 345-HOPE (4673).

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