Corporate Videos a Rising Trend – Northwestern Ontario Innovation Centre


iconsTHUNDER BAY – Business Now – Get ready, 2012 is the year of video for businesses. According to a recent report by eMarketer that covers Canadian Advertising trends, Search marketing is still considered a top priority but Online Video is surging in popularity with a 34.3% compound annual growth rate.[1] In 2012, video ad spending is expected to increase 67.2% representing a $142 million dollar industry in Canada.

To capitalize and demonstrate the importance of this trend, Google launched a new service that links two of its core products together integrating YouTube with AdWords. For those not familiar with these products, YouTube is the world’s second largest search engine where video content is sought out based on keywords, and AdWords is a paid search program that allows organizations to advertise to get noticed among organic search listings. The average Canadian is now watching 7.7 online videos per week, and most are taking action in the form of searching for your company online (18%), sharing on a social media site (15%), or forwarding the link onto others (13%) after viewing.

With increased bandwidth, both on traditional desktops and expansion of LTE technology into mobile phones and tablets, video will come into light this year being consumed both at home and on the go. Currently there are over 200 million mobile playbacks everyday on YouTube, 8.5% of all current Internet traffic comes from mobile devices, and in 2013 mobile (phones and tablets) is expected to eclipse desktop traffic with the proliferation of low-cost products that are set to flood the developing world. With an increasing amount of companies seeking new International markets for their already developed products a video is one of the most effective ways to communicate with this emerging prospective customer base.

The question is not can you afford to create a video, but can you afford not to?

Similar to creating any marketing content there are some simple principles that must be taken into account to deliver an effective message.

The simpler the better. Planning a video can be cumbersome and generate much discussion from your team internally, which is great but can lead to mixed or distracted value proposition. Before venturing into a video think about what the most important values you want to communicate to your customers on a high level. Remember, videos are meant to intrigue and educate viewers to prompt further interest in the form of an e-mail or telephone inquiry NOT be your sales people.

The process at which a video is arrived at is not simple, but your messaging should be clear and concise.

The second point that is a continuation from our first principle is that generally the shorter the video, the more effective it is and increases its chances of going viral. The optimal length of an online product video is no more than 1:30 to 2 minutes, according to the shopping research experts at QVC in Germany.[2] This is essentially an elevator pitch for your company or product. Let your video land them on your home page and be sure to structure your website so that the visitor can determine their optimal path into your company sales team.

A video is meant to be educational and or generate interest, not close sales. The most important aspects a video can instill in your customer’s mind is that they recognize a hidden need they didn’t realize existed. The video should allow the viewer to identify themselves with your solution in an entertaining format.

Before shooting the video, mention the concept to your current customer base. If the concept is verified through a current customer, chances are your next customer is going to have similar characteristics or key drivers for acquiring your product or services.

Finally, seek out a professional to perform the work for you. Similar to a website, which is the customer facing aspect of your business, a poor quality video can reflect poorly on your company image and brand. Make sure the video is shot with the latest technology and editing effects to stand out from the crowded marketplace. Check out this link of what to look for in a video production company before signing a contract.

Nick Kolobutin
Northwestern Ontario Innovation Centre
96 North High Street Suite 300
Thunder Bay, ON P7A 5R3

Telephone: 807-768-6682
Toll-Free: 1-866-768-6682
Fax: 807-768-6683



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