UFC 135 Jones Vs Rampage Results – Another Great Night Of Action


James Te Huna vs. Ricardo Romero









Round 1:

Ricardo Romero wants no part of the stand up and shoots for a sloppy takedown but Te Huna gets away. Te Huna tags Romero and stuns him as he tries very hard to get the fight down to the mat. After they get back up, Romero again shoots in and Te Huna blocks and blasts him with some quick punches on the ground. Romero is out and the fight is stopped.

James Te Huna def. Ricardo Romero by KO at :47 seconds, R1

Takeya Mizugaki vs. Cole Escovedo









Round 1:

Mizugaki aggressive early, lunging forward with punches clipping Escovedo a couple of times.  Escovedo is able to use his knees effectively, but Mizugaki keeps moving forward.  The fighters get stuck against the cage in the clinch, Escovedo looking for the Thai plum, and Mizugaki comes over the top with punches.  Mizugaki gets a takedown, but Escovedo pops right up.  This time Escovedo pulls guard and looks for a triangle choke and Mizugaki shrugs him off and backs out to stand back up.  The fighters are trading heavy shots inside, Escovedo lands a nice elbow and Mizugaki fires back with a nasty body shot before the round ends.


Round 2:

Slower start to round 2, but Mizugaki starts to pick it up a bit looking for punches.  Escovedo looking for head kicks at will in this round, but not landing.  Mizugaki fires back with a left hook and an uppercut that pushes Escovedo backwards.  Escovedo swings big and gets caught by a counter from Mizugaki that knocks him down briefly.  Escovedo looks for the Thai clinch and Mizugaki comes over the top and just unloads on him.  Mizugaki starting to pick Escovedo apart.  Mizugaki backs him up and just starts to fire on him with rapid combinations and Escovedo drops to the mat when the referee swoops in for the save.

Takeya Mizugaki def. Cole Escovedo by TKO (strikes) at 4:30, R2


Junior Assuncao vs. Eddie Yagin








Round 1:

Extremely slow pace to start the fight, neither fighter wants to engage.  Assuncao finally shoots in and gets the takedown. Assuncao looking for strikes from the top.  Yagin does a good job kicking Assuncao away to get back to the feet.  The fight goes back to the mat with Assuncao on top before the round ends.

Round 2:

Assuncao looks for a takedown and tries to take Yagin’s back.  Unable to get the position, Assuncao ends up in the clinch but then backs out and it’s stand up again.  Assuncao lands a nice inside leg kick, but again the action is stalled.  Assuncao gets another takedown, but Yagin snags a guillotine choke.  It’s deep but Assuncao slips out.

Round 3:

Yagin gets the fight to the ground to start the final round, but Assuncao uses his butterfly guard to get out and get it back to the feet.  Assuncao shoots in this time, but Yagin gets a guillotine and jumps to pull guard.  Again looks like he’s got it deep, but Assuncao stays patient and gets out. Assuncao now on top working inside Yagin’s half guard.  Assuncao getting aggressive with his strikes on the ground, punishing Yagin.  Assuncao just cracking Yagin over and over again, by far his most dominant round.

Junior Assuncao def. Eddie Yagin by unanimous decision (30-26, 30-26, 30-27)


Nick Ring vs. Tim Boetsch










Round 1:

Boetsch lands an outside leg kick.  Ring bouncing around on the outside keeping his distance.  Ring catches a Boetsch leg kick and secures a takedown.  From North-south position, Ring lands knees to Boetsch’s shoulders.  Boetsch works his way back to his feet.  Ring circles away from Boetsch’s power hand.  Boetsch lands a glancing left hook.  Ring works his jab trying to keep the fight on the outside.  Boetsch attempted a clinch but Ring brushed it off.  Ring being cautious in his approach but landing peppering shots in the process.

Round 2:

Ring circles to his right while Boetsch stalks him, looking for an opening.  Front kick to the body by Ring.  Boetsch lands a solid right hand that snapped Ring’s head back.  Ring pumping his jab.  Boetsch closes the distance and lands a combination finished off with an uppercut.  Boetch lands a right hand the hurt Ring, but he was able to quickly recover and clinch.  Ring lands a knee but Boetsch elevates him and slams him to the canvas.  Ring gets up but Boetsch applies a guillotine choke.  Ring escapes with two minutes left in the round.  Ring works strikes to the grounded Boetsch.  Boetsch gets to his feet and lands an uppercut in the clinch.  Boetsch begins to land more frequently.  Boetsch lands a slam in the closing seconds and slapped on a kimura.

Round 3:

Boetsch pushes forward.  Boetsch looks to be the more fresh fighter in the final round.  They clinch and work for position before the referee separated them with just over three minutes remaining in the fight.  Boetsch clinches and secures a trip takedown.  Ring controls his head inside his closed guard until the referee stands them up.  Ring lands a front kick.  They clinch and Boetsch secures a throw, landing in side control.  He traps one of Ring’s arms momentarily.  Boetsch advances to the mount position.  Boetsch ends the fight with a flurry of punches.

The judges score the fight 29-28, 29-28, 30-27 for Tim Boetsch.



Tony Ferguson vs. Aaron Riley









Round 1:

They touch gloves and the fight begins.  Riley mixing up punches and kicks early.  Ferguson lands a couple of inside leg kicks.  Riley lands a high kick but gets pushed to the ground in the process.  He rolled and immediately bounced back to his feet.  Ferguson lands a left hook followed by a right uppercut that hurt Riley.  Riley goes into retreat mode.  Riley seems to have recovered.  Riley with an inside leg kick but Ferguson answers with a series of straight right hands.  Riley is bleeding from his mouth.  Ferguson lands two outside leg kicks.  Riley having trouble getting inside of Ferguson’s reach.  The round ends with Ferguson trying to land a flying knee.  .  Riley said to his corner after the round that his jaw is broken.  The fight is called.  Tony Ferguson defeated Aaron Riley by TKO due to injury (broken jaw).  The fight was stopped after the first round.

-Tony Ferguson def. Aaron Riley by TKO (broken jaw) at 5:00, R1


Nate Diaz vs. Takanori Gomi









Round 1:

Diaz using his jab to keep Gomi on the outside.  Diaz lands a straight left that drops Gomi.  Diaz misses and Gomi misses a wild counter right hand.  Diaz continues to land his jab.  Gomi with a body shot.  The pace has slowed a bit at the half way mark of the round.  Diaz holding his hands down taunting Gomi.  Diaz presses forward putting Gomi on the fence and punishes him with shots.  Gomi drops down and Diaz pounces on him, taking his back.  Gomi powers back to his feet.  Diaz landing left and right jabs at will.  Gomi goes for a takedown and gets it.  Diaz applies an arm bar then switches to a triangle choke.  Gomi picks him up and slams him.  Diaz sinks in in further and switches to an arm bar.  Gomi was forced to tap.

Nate Diaz def. Takanori Gomi by submission (armbar) at 4:27, R1



Travis Browne vs. Rob Broughton










Round 1:

Browne misses with a big right hand and then pushes Broughton to the cage.  Browne lands knees and short punches inside the clinch before separating and missing with a big right hand.  Browne with an outside leg kick.  The pace is slow with each throwing one shot at a time.  Browne holds his hands low and misses with a front kick to the head.  Broughton lands an inside leg kick.  Browne answers with one of his own.  Browne surges forward with a combination.  He catches Broughton with a punch, seeming hurting him.  Browne rushes in with a missing flying knee.  Broughton misses with two big shots and Browne takes him down without difficulty and mounts him.

Round 2: Broughton misses with a double jab.  Browne misses with an uppercut.  Broughton having trouble dealing with Browne’s reach and range.  Browne with a hook to the body.  Broughton catches a front kick but was unable to seize the opportunity.  Browne rushes in with a flurry of punches and clinches Broughton against the cage and batters him with knees.  Broughton clinches but Browne muscles him to the fence.  They separate after a moment.  Browne works the front leg of Broughton with kicks.  Browne looks to have slowed.  Broughton closes the distance but Browne takes him down and mounts him.  Broughton rolls and Browne lands hammer fists.  Broughton rolls back over.  The round ends

Round 3: Browne is breathing heavy and Broughton looks to be the less fatigued fighter.  Broughton lands an overhand right and presses Browne against the cage.  He separates after a few knees to Browne’s legs.  Browne takes Broughton down and lands a big shot.  Browne works inside Broughton’s half guard.  Broughton doing a good job of controlling Browne.  Browne moves mount and takes Broughton’s back.  The Brit rolls and Browne mounts him.  Broughton works his way back to guard with a minute remaining on the clock.  Broughton goes for a kimura.  Browne defends well.  Broughton gets back to his feet with seconds remaining but was unable to get away from Browne’s grasp.

Travis Browne defeated Rob Broughton by unanimous decision with the score of 30-27 on all three judges’ scorecards.


Ben Rothwell vs. Mark Hunt









Round 1:

Rothwell putting his jab out there just to give Hunt something to look at.  Hunt misses with a right hand.  Rothwell goes for a takedown but Hunt side steps it.  Rothwell attempts another takedown after trying to set it up with jabs but Hunt stuffs it.  Hunt with a right hand.  Rothwell gets a double leg takedown and immediately moves to the mount position.  Hunt gets to his side and explodes to his feet.  Rothwell goes for a takedown against the fence and Hunt sprawls.  Rothwell again tries to get the fight to the ground and Hunt defends.  Hunt with a right hand.  Rothwell misses with a punch and Hunt gets him down.  They scramble back to their feet.  Rothwell gets a takedown but Hunt is immediately back up.  With :30 seconds remaining, Rothwell gets a takedown and starts to land shots.  Close round until the closing moments.

Round 2:  Hunt’s corner tells him to stick and move.  Rothwell’s corner tells him he won the round.  Rothwell gets a takedown stuffed.  Hunt misses with a big uppercut.  Hunt with a very hard leg kick.  Hunt with another powerful leg kick.  Rothwell is moving slow and breathing heavy.  Rothwell goes for another takedown and again Hunt defends it.  Hunt gets a takedown and begins to land punches and hammer fists.  Rothwell is bleeding.  At the half way mark, Hunt lands short elbows inside Rothwell’s open guard.  Rothwell closes his guard momentarily and works his legs up looking for a submission.  Hunt presses him against the cage and keeps landing punches.  Hunt moves to side control with 1:20 left in the round.  Rothwell scrambles but Hunt stays in top position.  Hunt mounts him and goes for an arm bar.  Rothwell defends and the time remaining runs out.

Round 3: Rothwell breathing heavy.  Hunt presses the pace, landing an uppercut.  Rothwell goes for a takedown but Hunt defends.  Hunt lands a big shot and Rothwell is on rubber legs.  Hunt goes in but the fight goes to the ground but Hunt is in top position.  Hunt stays in Rothwell’s guard.  The referee stands them up.  Both fighters exhausted.  Rothwell with a desparate takedown attempt.  Hunt lands an uppercut.  Rothwell goes for a single leg but Hunt circles out and gets top position before standing up.  Hunt lands another big shot and just walks away.  Rothwell can’t keep his  hands up.  Hunt takes him down.  Two minutes remaining in the bout.  Hunt is in side control.  He traps one of Hunt’s arms and lands hammer fists.  Rothwell is moving in slow motion.  The referee stands them up while Hunt is in side control!  Hunt with an uppercut.  Rothwell can barely stand.  Hunt unleashes a high kick that’s blocked.  Hunt tries to take Rothwell down.  Rothwell sprawls and tries to muster the energy to do something.  Rothwell mounts him as the bell sounds.

The judges scored the fight 29-28, 29-27, 30-27 for Mark Hunt by unanimous decision.


Matt Hughes vs. Josh Koscheck

Round 1:  They’re both careful early.  Hughes throws a long jab that lands.  Hughes continues to put his jab in Koscheck’s face.  Hughes with a left hand.  Koscheck rushes in with a hook and uppercut that miss.  The hook might have landed.  Hughes lands a left hook.  Koscheck lands an uppercut.  Hughes lands another jab and an uppercut.  Hughes letting his hands go.  Two minutes left and the exchange uppercuts.  Hughes uses good head movement to not get hit.  Koscheck goes for a takedown and Hughes defends it.  They’re standing in the center of the Octagon.  Koscheck lands a right hand that seemingly hurt Hughes.  Hughes lands a right hand.  They clinch and Koscheck lands an uppercut.  Hughes throws and knee and falls.  Koscheck pounces on him and finishes him with strikes as the round was about to end.  Hughes went out due to a hammer fist.

The official time of the knockout was 4:59 of the first round.



Jon Jones vs. Quinton “Rampage” Jackson

Round 1:  No touch of the gloves adn Jones comes out on the ground with one hand down and crawling around.  Jackson tries to punch him and then they clinch.  Jones presses Jackson against the cage and starts landing knees.  Jackson spins him, Jones grabs his neck.  Jones with a left elbow inside the clinch along the fence.  They separate.  Jones with a front kick to the body.  Jones throws a high kick that’s blocked.  Jackson having trouble getting inside the reach of Jones.  Jackson surges forward with a hook to the body and a missing hook to the head.  Jones using a lot of kicks.  Jones having his way at the moment.  Jackson clinches.  Jones pushes him to the cage.  Jones with a spinning back elbow as they separate.  Jones misses a spinning wheel kick.  Rampage goes on the attack in the closing seconds but comes up with mostly air.

Round 2:  Jackson’s corner tells him to “find your range between rounds.”  Jackson takes the center of the Octagon.  Jones with a leg kick and Jackson lunges forward with punches.  They clinch.  Jones goes for a takedown and Jackson defends.  Jones lands a straight right hand.  Jackson with a left hook, chasing Jones.  They’re in the center of the cage and the pace has slowed into a kickboxing style bout.  Jones misses and ties up Jackson.  They separate.  Jackson is stalking and Jones is landing leg kicks.  A spinning back kick to the body by Jones.  High kick by Jones lands.  Jackson unable to deal with the reach of Jones and is stuck standing on the outside in Jones’ range.  They clinch and Jones pulls guard and tries a triangle attempt in the final second.

Round 3:  Jackson threw a leg kick.  They clinch and Jones stumbles.  Jackson swings for the fences and misses.  Jackson using leg kicks and then going up top.  Jones with a leg kick.  Jones secures a single leg takedown and moves into side control.  Jones moves to the mount position.  Jones postures up and lands eblows and punches.  Jackson powers to his feet.  Jones presses him against the cage.  Jones lands a font kick to the face of Jackson.  Jackson continues to move forward.  combination landed by Jones.  Jones lands a jab and an elbow and Jackson attacks but misses.  Jones is picking Jackson apart.  Flying knee by Jones lands.  Jackson is just reacting to Jones and putting up little attack.  Jones has his hands down.  Jones shoots for a takedown at the closing bell.

Round 4:  Jackson moves forward and Jones lands a left hook that sends Jackson backing up.  They clinch.  Jones gets Jackson down and has him pinned against the cage.  Jackson gives up his back in an attempt to get up and Jones sinks in a rear naked choke and Jackson is forced to tap out.






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