KENORA – Kenora MP Greg Rickford today commended the announcement of the Canada-Ontario First Nations Pilot Project to Improve Drinking Water Quality, a new joint three-year initiative harnessing innovative and alternative drinking water systems to improve water quality in Ontario First Nation communities. “Our government is using innovative solutions to improve on-reserve drinking water supplies in a tangible way,” said Rickford. “Our government’s cooperation with First Nations, the province of Ontario and other stakeholders will help First Nations deliver quality drinking water and improve the quality of life for reserves.”
This pilot project will support a select number of Ontario First Nations communities through a combination of expert technical and financial support to improve water quality. The innovative application of technologies and delivery strategies will help determine sustainable and economically feasible methods for maintaining improved First Nations drinking water quality.
The Government of Canada will provide a total of $5 million in funding, while the Ontario government and the Ontario First Nations Technical Services Corporation will provide technical support and training. The First Nation communities selected for participation in this pilot project will be responsible for commissioning appropriate design and technology solutions for their communities through a Request for Proposals (RFP) process.