Mild Conditions with Drizzle in Thunder Bay: Weather Update

Toys for the North 2023
The HUD on the Hercules RCAF at Thunder Bay International Airport - Toys for the North 2023

THUNDER BAY – WEATHER – Thunder Bay residents wake to cloudy skies and mild temperatures this Sunday morning, with the weather taking a gentle turn towards spring-like conditions. The current atmosphere at Thunder Bay Airport indicates a comfortable start at 1.9°C, despite the brisk east-northeast winds adding a chill to the air.

Today’s Weather Overview

Current Conditions

As of 7:00 AM EST, Thunder Bay is enveloped in cloudiness, with the temperature gently hovering at 1.9°C. The air is relatively moist with a humidity level of 84%, and visibility stretches to 24 km, offering clear views across the city. However, the pressure is on a downward trend at 101.4 kPa, suggesting changing weather patterns as the day progresses.

Expected Conditions

Today promises cloudy skies with early morning drizzle, turning into showers by the evening. Winds will be brisk from the east at 30 km/h, gusting up to 60 km/h, with temperatures peaking at a comfortable 4°C. Despite the grey skies, the UV index remains low at 1.

Tonight, the drizzle will shift to showers, ending overnight and giving way to clearing skies. The wind will change to the west near midnight at 20 km/h, gusting to 40 km/h, with temperatures surprisingly rising to 6°C by morning.

Monday is set to be mainly sunny, with west winds at 20 km/h and a high of 6°C, offering a pleasant start to the week. The UV index will be slightly higher at 2. The evening will bring clear skies and a significant drop in temperature to minus 10°C.

Wardrobe Recommendations

Given the mild temperatures and potential for wet conditions, residents should opt for waterproof jackets and sturdy, non-slip footwear. Layers can offer flexibility for the fluctuating temperatures, especially with the evening’s expected temperature rise.

Weather Trivia

Thunder Bay’s weather can be unpredictable in early March, historically ranging from sudden warm spells to unexpected snowstorms, showcasing the diverse climate of the region.

Historical Context

The beginning of March in Thunder Bay often sees a mix of winter holdouts and early signs of spring. Today’s mild temperatures and the presence of drizzle are indicative of the seasonal transition, contrasting with the historical extremes of cold and snow typically expected this time of year.

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