Understanding Basic Tenets of Diabetic Neuropathy


Are you diagnosed with diabetes? Do you want to know whether diabetes can cause nerve damage? Diabetes is an overwhelming disease because it does not only affect your blood sugar levels, but it can also affect your muscles, organs, and even feet. Nerves transmit messages between different parts of your body and brain to help you feel, hear, see, or move. Nerves also carry signals to various body parts, such as the lungs and heart. As such, if the nerves are damaged, it can cause serious issues affecting your body functions in various parts of your body. How to control this? You must look for herbs for preventing diabetes.

Exploring the causes of diabetic neuropathy

Neuropathy is the result of a long-term complication resulting from diabetes. High blood sugar levels for a long time can damage small vessels that supply messages throughout your body. It can also block the supply of essential nutrients that reach the nerves. The nerve fibers become damaged, and slowly, they might disappear. It will disrupt the functioning of the body.

Can you reverse diabetic neuropathy?

Diabetic neuropathy is a disease that cannot be reversed, and neither can you do away with its symptoms. Once the nerves get damaged, you cannot bring them back or repair them. As such, you must be very careful and focus on diabetes management to keep your blood sugar under control to prevent nerve damage. If you already have such symptoms make sure to balance them to avoid further damage.

Is diabetic neuropathy painful?

The nerves transmit chemical messages to the brain and then from the brain to the rest of the body to help us have feelings and sensations. When these nerves get damaged, they cannot send chemical messages leading to changes in emotions and sensations. It might lead to problems such as burning, tingling, numbness, shooting pain, or discomfort. Sometimes these sensations can become quite worse at night.

Why does it become worse at night? However, the cause is still unknown, but it is usually believed that the cooler temperatures and the stress of the day keep you distracted from the pain, but in the evening, when you go to sleep, you notice it much more.

Living with any pain is overwhelming and distressing, negatively impacting your physical and mental well-being. If you experience frequent pain and find it difficult to move, consult a wellness advisor at Meettulip.com. Get in touch with a diabetic expert to help you overcome it.

Tips to help you prevent diabetic neuropathy

You must also keep the various body parts in check, such as your feet, skin, and teeth. If you notice any problem in these areas, you should immediately consult a doctor. Numbness of the feet is also a significant sign of neuropathy. If you do not check, then it can lead to a variety of other problems, such as muscle weakness, cramps, and muscle twitching.

It is evident that managing your sugar level during diabetes is quite distressing, but you need to do so to prevent other health issues. Nerve damage can lead to significant health issues. As such, you must be vigilant. Any warning signs such as numbness of the feet, loss of sensation or pain, unable to feel the changes in temperature, loss of coordination, shooting pain, or any tingling sensation- act immediately because these are the initial warning signs that will become worse with time.

Prevent complications caused by diabetes!

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