First Responders Possible Harbour Ice Rescue

Thunder Bay Fire Rescue
Thunder Bay Fire Rescue

THUNDER BAY – News – At approximately 09:00 am this morning TBFR received a call for service for a possible ice/water rescue in the Thunder Bay Harbour out by the break wall across from Keefer terminal. The report consisted of people on the ice in the opening in the break wall.

Two Fire trucks and A Platoon Chief responded as well as the Air boat which was launched from the Marina.

Once the Air boat was on scene there were no visual signs of any people in the area, as well as no human tracks in the snow. What was found was K-9 tracks with what looked to be a wolf in the distance running away from the area.

Police were also on scene and used their drone along with a camera to search the area, again with no people being spotted.

The incident was declared false in nature, and all units were cleared.

Thunder Bay Fire Rescue would like to remind people to stay off the Harbour ice especially as it is unsafe with the warm weather we have been having.

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