How Dustin Uses His Expertise as an Entrepreneur to Teach People to Make Money in Real Estate Through Get2millions


Dustin experienced a life of poverty and limited financial means growing up in Chicago. As a young man in his 20s, he moved to LA, where money became his motivator. After starting out by making money the wrong way, Dustin found himself in federal prison. This proved to be a wake up call, as he made a personal commitment to do everything he could to never go back. After learning different real estate strategies from multi-million dollar entrepreneurs, Dustin knew that, once he was out of prison, he would use what he learned to reclaim the lifestyle he was used to. Through entrepreneurship, he set out on his new life in real estate wholesaling and flipping. Dustin also rebranded himself with Get2millions, teaching others the strategies he uses to find success in the real estate market.

After he was released from prison, Dustin had a plan, but he was homeless with nothing to his name, and no one to rely on. He found himself in a battle with his ego while he spent a few years building his real estate operation. While traveling from one couch to another, Dustin made his first deal using his friend’s laptop. With his back against the wall, he was persistent and learned to develop a solid network. By now, Dustin has become immune to fear, which has helped him rise to the top. “I am numb to fear because I’ve been through the worst. I’ve been at the bottom over and over again. I’ve become fearless at this point,” he says.

Dustin believes it is easier to become successful when you have a “why.” Above all, he has never given up on himself. Even when everyone else had, he stayed true to his commitment to live a life that would never again land him in prison. By staying honest and humble, he is more relatable than most of his competition. Now he lives by the belief that you will never lose if you keep God first.

As a true hustler, Dustin is hungry and continually adapts to anything life throws at him. His advice for anyone trying to improve their life is don’t be afraid to risk money, make calculated decisions, and find a mentor. Having a mentor is so important. You will encounter doubt from many people who surround you, so without the right guidance, it can get frustrating. The ultimate goal in success and financial freedom is to wake up knowing you can do whatever you want whenever you want.

What’s next for Dustin? He is working on a project that will provide automated passive income opportunities for the public. You can follow him on Instagram @get2millions.

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