Wish to become an ace social media marketer? Learn the tips from a successful professional himself – Simone Ferretti.


Social media is a world on its own; it can provide people with incredible opportunities for growth and success, says the Italian internet genius.

People are going gaga over the opportunities they get with social media. It is a fact that many of the successful individuals today, especially youngsters, have literally built their careers on social media as content creators, influencers, coaches, social media consultants and whatnot. Realizing that social media also helps create more opportunities for themselves has also attracted many towards the same. Simone Ferretti followed the same path, and today his success story is no less than an inspiration to many other budding talents of the world, trying to make it huge in the digital space.

Simone Ferretti is a youngster from Italy who has now made London his home and has been thriving as a social media consultant, apart from proving his mettle as one of the leading photo/videographers in the social media realm.

He explains that there are certain skills that up and comers in the industry must have if they wish to become a successful social media consultant and help brands and people increasing and enhancing their reach, presence and visibility across various online platforms.

  • Understanding the client’s business: This is the most basic skill for becoming an ace social media consultant. Simone Ferretti says that individuals must first understand who their clients are, their business, and their target audience. This will help them create strategies and campaigns that can penetrate any type of market.
  • Understanding the social media networks: What content you plan to create and how you aim to deliver it? Understanding each social media platforms is also a skill that consultants must hone. Simone Ferretti explains that it is essential to understand different the purpose of each social media and their specific target to create the best content for audiences and, therefore, drive more engagement.
  • Understanding ‘branding’: Simone Ferretti says that social media consultants must sharpen their skills and talents in understanding the concept of branding and also master their abilities in maintaining the brand’s voice alive across multiple platforms. This will help massively in increasing online sales and recognition.

Simone Ferretti has himself honed the above skills becoming a reliable social media consultant, video creator, coach and a real genius in the social media world. Want to know more? Follow him on Instagram @sferro21.

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