‘Gold man’ Mitesh Dhule gains popularity through his devoted social work merely at the age of 21

Mitesh Shridhar Dhule
Mitesh Shridhar Dhule

We witness around the globe that the iconic youth are striving hard for upliftment and betterment of the lives of the poor, downtrodden, distressed and oppressed section of people of the society. This is laudable anywhere in the universe. In our lovely nation too, a number of youth are working selflessly with full devotion for the welfare of destitute and deprived section of the society and the 21 year old Mitesh is no exception. This philanthropist youth, hailing from Badlapur has gained popularity in the vicinity of his home town and various districts accompanying his native place. This iconic youth, lovingly know as the ‘Gold Man’ is popular among the people because of his selfless social work with ebullient commitment. He had been distributing food to umpteen needy people and distributing educational requirements, only out of his social commitment towards others.

Mitesh Shridhar Dhule has completed schooling from English High School at Badlapur. Later on this hard working youth icon completed civil engineering and kept on bringing laurels to his family. His mother is a home maker whereas father Mr Shridhar Dhule, is in the field of construction with the well known banner Sri Sai exhibitor.

Father’s encouragement made him gold man

Mitesh’s father Sridhar has the fad, different than others. He was always putting on gold on his entire body. Taking inspiration from father, the jubilant Mitesh had a photo shoot and prepared his portfolio by wearing lots of gold ornaments. His father also encouraged him to use extensive gold. Presently, he has more than 350 tola of gold which is about 3.5 kilogram. His exclusive ornaments include various finger rings, neck chains, wrist watch and other coveted iconic accessories. Because of his unique hobby, he had created craze among his friends and ultimately, the new generation. Mitesh had been carrying on modeling through various programs. The ‘Gold icon’ today had more than one lakh 15 thousand followers on Instagram and one million plus followers on Tik Tok. He also has lots of admirers on other social media platforms, too.

Social work under the banner MD group
Mitesh is engage in his devotional social work since his childhood under the banner MD group which was been formed by his chums. Barely 21 your old Mitesh has created MD group at various places including , Badlapur town of Raigad and Thane district, Khopoli, Kalyan and other cities where he has been distributing meals at the orphanage besides educational equipment to the needy students. Interestingly, Mitesh is also assisting his father in the construction business after completing his engineering. He had also played an important role in one video album ‘Maazi Sona’ . While taking modelling as his hobby, this ideal youth is also know to be very health conscious. Since last two years, Mitesh has been regularly exercising for 2 to 3 hours daily and has now put up 80 kilograms of muscles. This is an additional feather in his cap. Mitesh is also having some offers of video albums and short films at hand presently with him.

Speaking to our correspondent Mitesh says- ‘The youths should help those who are in need only out of their social commitment and in this way one can create own identity in the society while pursuing education. I myself had been engaged in the social work since long and so I have the right to tell others for contributing in the noble cause. Though I had some small projects at hand, I wish to work for feature films as an actor in the future and waiting for a good break.

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